This is a powerful talk about Intuition and listening to your inner voice.
This is the divine feminine way. And a power that we hold within us as women.
What does that even mean to listen to your intuition?
I have women come to me all the time and ask but how do I know the difference between my old patterns and fear playing vs my intuition.
First of all, It is important you recognise you have the power, the messages, the answers always within you to tune into this guidance, and this wisdom to know what the next step is, to know what it is you need and want.
You have this know-how.

We were always taught to listen to look outside of ourselves, ask other people what to do, watch what other people are doing, look for validation, look for safety and love from others.
We are taught that everything exists outside of ourselves- we are taught to not look at our own wisdom, and intuition.
Every question you need clarity on, you have the answers within you. Because you were not given this curiosity and question for nothing.
Every spark of curiosity and desire within you, has come from someone deep within.I call it the womb space. And you were given this wisdom house to continue to ask those questions, find different perspectives until you know what the answer is.
There are many ways to tap into intuition, to find answers within. And after a while once you have developed this muscle, you will begin to hear it loudly.
Alot of the time we are trying to find the answers from the mind. We are trying to think our way into intuition. Your mind is there for logic, for reasoning, for making sense of things, for getting thighs done. It is not there to tell you what your inner highest self is saying.
She exists within your body.
Within your heart
In your womb.
And knowing this as a woman, is powerful.
We tend to bypass the knowings of our womb.
Because it doesn’t make sense.
Sometimes she will speak to you in ways where it feels uncomfortable, until you listen. Until you can distinguish between the yes and no. until you listen.
I invite you to continue watching this video on intuition to know how you can work with intuition, especially when making decisions, when you are trying to understand something, when you feel confused, even when you are in a new relationship. Or perhaps you know the relationship needs to end, you can develop your intuitive muscle to know what the best decision is for you.