There is no greater power than the womb. It is the seat of wisdom. The bringer of life. It houses our ability to create life. It is much more than a physical organ. It is a multidimensional passageway that can bring us closer to the cosmic womb that birthed all of creation.
Your womb space is the portal into unlocking your ecstatic aliveness and potential as a woman.
Why the Womb?
Wombs are power houses.
We can nurture and bring new life through wombs but we can also work with the womb to consciously connect with the ancient feminine wisdom that was encoded within us to restore the love on this planet.
We can see our womb as the healing cauldrons where we can alchemise energy. To heal collective pain and our own pain of grief, loss, rage.
The womb is our biggest transmuter. And we can address emotional traumas living in the womb just from our connection with her.
Women carry a lot of trauma and unresolved trauma in womb. We store our emotions in the womb, for she is our emotional power center. We can also retrieve so much of our wisdom, our ancient mysterious codes and our creative potential. And usually if our creativity is blocked, something is blocking our womb space.
When we connect with the womb space, we come closer to our wisdom and trust her. We start work with her inner rhtyhs, for a life of ease and balance. When we honour her we start to honour the rhythms of nature and the beauty that is all around.
If we want to bring in anything new, a new project, a new business, a new relationship, anything that requires space and presence, it is through the womb that we can access this creativity and it is through the womb space that we start to manifest. And it happens through the cultivation of our sexual energy. The magical creative energy.

When you connect with the valley of your own inner darkness of the womb, you start to experience life deeply. You stop striving for pleasure and bliss and instead you realise the beauty and bliss is right here.
This kind of love affair is one that will have you in deep love for life for itself.
It is where you start to pull in and magnetize your heart’s deepest longings and desires and direct them with this sexual energy. And here everything in your reality begins to reflect this love affair. You start to savour life, love and all beauty. Because you have learnt the art of surrender, slowing down and connection. Life itself becomes a love affair in this connection and presence.
As I always say, it doesn’t have to be complicated. We often miss out on the magic that happens in the simplicity.
When you join me in Feminine Remembrance, we not only clear out stagnation in the womb that could be blocking our radiance, and from hearing our desires, but we also make space to work directly with our sexual energy.

Sexual energy
Our sexual energy is this beautiful liquid, this gold honey that is gifted straight from the Goddess herself. It is a medicine that we get to drink up and take in, to move life, and create the life, desires and dreams that we decide and declare. The yearnings that aren’t coming from desperation and fear or lack but instead from the purity and clarity of the heart space. I talk alot about sexual energy in Feminine Remembrance.
Your sexual energy is not only the created life force of the divine feminine but she is also healing to our soul who yearns for your love and attention- through your presence.
Your sexual energy is liquid living light. It is the invisible thread that weaves all of existence together. It is the pulse of life.
It is the essence of pure creative energy. Creative power. It is activated through your turn on, your connection, your breath, your sacred beautiful touch, your awareness.
This magical liquid that is sexual energy is the invisible thread that weaves all of existence together. It is the pulse of life, the essence of pure creative power.
You can see this feminine energy, this pulsating liquid in everything that nature creates. In flowers, trees, the river flowing, your body, your relationship, your beautiful life. So it is the thread that weaves everything into existence to create its form. It is the Goddess moving her way through love to create the God form.

Sexual energy is innocent expression of the Goddess
This is also the erotic expression that I love speaking about. The erotic is innocence. It is this thread that brings you closer to your truth, your spirit self.
I did a blog about the erotic expression and what is the erotic, Check it out here.
Our sexual energy which is explored through your erotic expression, is this powerful aliveness within. However, it has been shut away, locked down through subconscious beliefs about ourselves, through shame, through wounds from childhood, through judgements.
So it is our responsibility to release these energies from the body or release the stagnation that can be stored in and around the womb space that keeps us blocked and stuck. And when we do release these energies, we awaken the Goddess within.
We awaken to our truth.
We see the beautiful glowing woman we were born to be. We feel our presence. We feel liberated, yet deeply rooted, grounded and connected. We feel anchored in our heart space that directs us closer to our truth, that isn’t ego based in fear and shame.
Feminine Remembrance: Come Home To Yourself 10 Week Group Program
All of this is the foundation for higher levels of sexual magic. This is why in feminine Remembrance, we focus on unlayering ourselves. We focus on connecting with the divine heart center of love, we focus on liberating the wild woman within. So our hearts, voices, yoni and wombs are activated and then we can feel safe to go to those places where we experience orgasmic aliveness. And then we are able to come into completion of the course with sex magic.
It’s a sacred responsibility for all women, whether we have a physical womb or not, to really work with the energy of the womb, to take our power back, to come into self actualisation and to know we are conscious creators of our reality and conscious creators of the future.