The way of healing, empowerment and self love is through your embodied lived experience- Through pleasure.
So how much you are allowing pleasure in your life to be felt or are you pushing it away and resisting it?
In these modern times, which are full of pressures to be perfect, pressures to love, to make love, to feel, to heal all the “right way” we require the space to slow down, feel and listen to what is true to you. There is so much information out there that it can tend to make us more confused and then this is when we doubt our own truth, our body’s wisdom and our intuition.
This truth doesn’t exist outside of ourselves. Truth is felt through your body.
It doesn’t exist in the social constructs and all the ideas that have been fed to us about what it means to be a sensual woman, what it means to be beautiful, what it means to sexy and to just be in this world.
This truth goes beyond how we have been taught and shown to be a woman, breathing, dancing, feeling, speaking, healing.
For me.. this created so much disconnection and so much separation with me and what I needed and wanted. I experienced a self abandonment of my own heart and the voice of my yoni and womb.
What is The Medicine To Disconnection and Doubt?
Pleasure dear sister.
Sensuality which is how we make sense of our inner world and outer world. Sensuality is how you know yourself and then how you trust you. So yes we need to come into connection with our senses. We must awaken. Awaken to what is really alive within us.
Our bodies love us so much. And she is always communicating to us, when we are out of alignment, when something isn’t bringing us peace, when we are still stuck in our high achieving ways or fears of what others will think of me. And then getting caught up in placing our worth in the external world.
So we must awaken the body.
Come into this beautiful experience of being with the body. Meeting her wherever she is at.
Awaken the feelings and sensations.
Awaken the pussy.
Awaken the womb..
We must awaken to our vulnerabilities. Get real and raw with them.
Move down from the mind and ground ourselves inward, to be able to hold more of our vulnerabilities and emotions.
We have to come down to feel our hearts, to feel our womb, to feel our yoni.
Where OUR TRUTH is revealed.

But sister… you have to be willing to listen. You have to be willing to get yourself wild and edgy.
You have to be willing to slow down and listen. When you get used to listening to your intuition and your body’s sensations and signals, your intuition muscle becomes stronger.
And it can begin with you carving out time to connect with your intution and inner guidance through your yoni.
Read more about the yoni in this Youtube episode.
I know how difficult it can be to listen to your own inner guidance and trust it, when this world that prioritizes perfection and to place our value on what others think of us. It was me my whole life.
But the more you block yourself from really listening to your truth, the more you feel you are pushing against the grind.
Your feminine truth radiates from within
Your feminine energy is the truth that is love. That is beauty. And power.
So we have to drop the mind. And make our way down to the beautiful landscape of the feminine through your heart, and yoni.
I know you hear that calling…
The desire, the yearning for more.
The yearning to feel more relaxed and anchored in your body.
The yearning to trust yourself.
The yearning to know what love truly feels like.
For me it always started with… This desire for more.
I was done with feeling lost, chaotic with my emotions, done with tiredness, done with people pleasing ways, done with getting lost in my control.
And then there was the opening for MORE.
More presence.
More love.
More radiance.
More ecstatic pleasure.
More whole body orgsmis.
More listening.
More relaxation.
More aliveness.
YESSSSS it is so possible for you.

Beneath the anxiety, beneath the thoughts of I am not good enough, beneath the feelings of stress there is a deep rootedness, a deep knowing, a deep sense of flow and orgasmic aliveness.
This Goddess who dances within you, who desires to be seen through your radiance.
Choose the way of Pleasure
Our modern world doesn’t teach us to be present and turn inwards. But you can choose to change this.
You can choose to be your own leader through sisterhood community, through connecting with mother earth, through breathing, moving, getting still.
And the most important PLEASURE. It is time that your pleasure takes center stage. So your heart leads you.
Pleasure is your biggest healing love language. It will support you to become present, it will help you build the resilience to touch and face the fears.
PLEASURE is your sacred prayer to your shame.
It will be the way you open up for your inner Sensual lover within you to embrace you when life becomes challenging. So in this way, you know you have your own back.
When we give ourselves permission to feel pleasure without guilt, the tension and anxious thoughts begin to melt, we start to feel ease in the body and we are able to open to our own radiance and more graceful ways of living and being.
We often see pleasure as something related to sex. But your pleasure exists in every moment.
It is felt when you are SAFE and in deep intimate connection with yourself and life itself. Through this type of sweet pleasure you gift your inner Goddess, you become the embodied self leader of your life. And this has great ripples to the men and other women in your life.
And then you become the strong pillar in your life and then your children’s lives, your mothers, your grandmothers.
You stop searching and realizing your intimacy and connection is the healing medicine.

My offering for you….
Feminine Remembrance is my offering, my devotion to beauty, to creating life giving qualities of love.
Discover more about Feminine Remembrance: Come Home To Yourself here
This immersive 10 week journey is the pathway of coming home to you.
It is the way you rise in love, in nourishment and deep connection.
This isn’t a course. It is a life changing inner retreat for the woman ready to breathe love, life and pleasure into her life to touch the lives of others just through her presence, grace and love.
This is a pathway of connection, of sisterhood. Of genuine togetherness. Where we support one another to feel seen and heard.
This is my EVERY DESIRE. Because this is what I wished for my whole life.
We enrich every being of our soul with pleasure through the practices, through the teachings, through the ceremonies, through our sharings.
Through the simplicity of just being YOU.
I invite you to join and co create this space with me.
If you’d love to be part of this life changing immersion, I encourage you to sign up today.