Embodiment feminine rituals through the gift of pleasure.
Do you feel exhausted and burned out?
Are you stuck in the doing mode and your mind is constantly racing trying to get everything done?
Maybe you have gone through something difficult and emotional and it feels easier to distract yourself by doing more?
I have been there.
Moving and filling up my life.. I would go from working out in the early morning, straight to my job, straight to dance for 3 hours and I did this every day.
Sure.. I loved dancing.. But I was moving so fast.. I would have thought then, but I love working out, I love my samba training.. Yes but this was not pleasure.
This was training my body to move in such ways to be better, perfect, go harder. When was I going to enjoy the fruits of the labour?
Pleasure was missing as ironic as that sounds.
Because even doing things I loved, my nervous system was not being replenished. I was not creating space for ease and flow and to FEEL. How could I have dealt with the sadness of my breakups, how could I have really connected with what I truly wanted if I was on the go so much?
And I realized pleasure.. Real deep soulful pleasure was missing. Real deep loving connection to myself. Creating safety for me to regulate my nervous system to tap into more of who I am and came here to be, that feels nourishing. Focusing on my heart and the real depths of my love.
And guess what?
When I did make space for pleasure, embodiment and love and all the delicious things in my life I began to know what I desired, I began to raise my standards in my relationships. I started to bring in real self love for myself through my deep acceptance for everything I was feeling within. I created spaciousness for my sensations and emotions to be really felt in a grounded way.
This is true embodiment. And This is how I manifested the life that I desired.

This world does not support our flourishing, beautiful self. So we have to create space for that beautiful flourishing self to shine and thrive.
To show up as your best self and create what you truly desire, you get to have a balance of doing and being. Of moving forward and knowing how to lean back.
Action and rest.
Giving and being receptive.
IF we are constantly moving, going, doing, how do we allow spaciousness to receive what is meant for us or hear our inner guidance that our womb is always speaking to us.
We need to create pleasure, as your pleasure will be the healing piece to all the sensations, all the tensions and challenging emotions.
Your pleasure will help soothe your nervous system and anxiousness.
Your pleasure will help you remember this big version of you.
Your pleasure will be an offering to your pain.
To create pleasure you get to treat your body like a temple. You get to take actions that feed your body and your soul, YOU get to replenish.
Some of my favorite embodiment feminine rituals
Here I are some ways I replenish my highest self, so I create spaciousness for her to come to the forefront of my life. These feminine rituals and showing up for them daily, saved my life. It was and is how I am in service of LOVE.
- Sensual movement and journaling
- Dancing
- Meditating, and breathwork
- Sitting with my beloved, enjoying each other’s company
- Womb and heart connection breathwork
- Walks in nature
- Drink plenty of water and sit comfortably in a lotus position.
- Eating quality, nourishing food.
- Talking to other women who are soul aligned.
- Touching my body- whether it is as simple as giving myself a body massage or doing my breast massage.
- Shaking my body if I am feeling tense or holding emotions in my body
- Nourish your femininity by dressing beautifully and feminine
- Surround yourself in sensual pleasures that remind you and help you connect with your senses. In this way you are reminded of your beautiful Goddess within you, that you are.

To further deepen your connection to embodiment practices to help you connect with pleasure and show up for your feminine self, sign up for the 7day series Erotic Woman Embodiment.