
Birthing a new world into being

Apr 10, 2023Spirituality

oracle, birthing a new age, work your light oracle
BIRTHING NEW CREATIONS.  DREAMING A NEW, Feminine WORLD INTO BEING This oracle card ā€œBirthing a New Ageā€ from Rebecca Campbellā€™s Oracle deck Work Your Light inspired me to write this blog today about how we are here to be in service of our own hearts and for the greater good of all. You were incarnated […]


This oracle card ā€œBirthing a New Ageā€ from Rebecca Campbellā€™s Oracle deck Work Your Light inspired me to write this blog today about how we are here to be in service of our own hearts and for the greater good of all.

You were incarnated into this world with your own unique code, your own blueprint and this is exactly what we are here for. To remember what this is and to continue removing the layers to becoming this woman we are here to be. 

We did not come here for mundane things. That keeps you in suffering or not to experience all of the beauties and pleasures of life.

We did not come here to listen to the beauty rules determined by society. 

We did not come here to stay stuck in the stories of our mind that tell us we are not beautiful, or not worthy, or not enough. And so we stay small out of fear. 

We did not come here to continue thinking we are broken women.


We did not come here for this. 

We came here to continue connecting with the heart and womb. 

To listen to these two very powerful spaces within us, to drop into this knowing, to listen and to take aligned action. Even when those choices/decisions can feel uncomfortable. We have to get used to walking the path that feels uncomfortable. And walk it with trust and courage.

We are given one life. 

So letā€™s really live it. 

Letā€™s feel it. 

Letā€™s embrace. 

Letā€™s love it. 

Letā€™s make love with it. 


Through sensuality, pleasure and connection. This is the way we really embrace a new way of being. Which in fact is embodiment.

Check out this blog about Embodiment and Sacred Movement.

Birthing a new way of life

A lot of the times, we are given desires from our soul, through our sensual aliveness and we are either not listening or they are not truly felt because we are not activating this aliveness. 

So my invitation for you with the inspiration from this card, is to ignite this sensuality to allow your life force to create this wild desired life to come to life. 

They usually donā€™t make sense, but birth them anyway. 

Often what is ours to do is the very thing that most intimidates us. Be courageous and do it anyway. We are birthing a new age. This new age is the feminine way.

Where we choose pleasure, love, beauty, grace and peace over perfectionism, control and popularity. 

In order for this to happen, we have to allow the old cycle to fall away and the new to rise. This means needing to release old identities and ways that no longer serve us, using our intuition as a compass. And having the courage to do so.

If you are a mother, daughter, granddaughter, healer, artist, ā€œwitch,ā€ visionary, guardian of the earthā€¦guess what?

You are here for the new way. 

So let me ask you..What kind of life do you envision my dear sisters?

I also wanted to share a couple of FREE gifts for you to begin walking this journey of love and gratitude with me.  Here is a simple, guided Lotus Flower meditation for self love and relaxation.

Gratitude Journal

Andā€¦ here is a Gratitude Journal Prompt for Gratitude that will take you from morning to night. Gratitude is one of the first steps in bringing your awareness to this very moment and acknowledging the beauty and blessings all around you. Enjoy gorgeous.

Hello my love,

My name is Jessica and I devote my life to bringing beauty and love to this world.Ā 

I invite all women to live freely and the closest to their soul through embracing the power of their heart, womb and sensuality in unity with spirituality.Ā  As I believe these are all one.

With my samba dancing background, work around womb and yoni healing and a life dedicated to my spiritual path, I am now here to bring this way of life to all women. To guide you into a life of empowerment, flow and bliss.

As I believe self worth, love and sensuality is every woman’s birthright.

(Free) Erotic Feminine Embodiment Program

The path of feminine reclamation and remembrance

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Sign up to the 7 day series to activate your sensuality, be connected with your feminine nature and become present in your body for real nourishment and luscious self care.

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