So what does that mean to live orgasmically?
Does it mean having orgasms?
Living orgasmically is all about living to your sensitivity. Knowing yourself so deeply that you know you are not separate from Spirit. Being in the embodiment of your Whole Self.
We spend so much time trying to figure out, planning, investigating, and asking the whys. But sometimes the answers are already within us.
When you awaken to your feminine energy, you begin to realize that this goes beyond concepts and understanding. Your feminine energy is everything related to the energy, to the feeling body, feeling the oneness and wholeness of you.
When you awaken to your truth you feel more. And you can awaken to this truth through the life giving energy, your sexual energy which is felt through everything you are.
You are the living and breathing essence of this life force energy.
It is making you happen in this moment.
You feel the life force in everything. In everything that lives and breathes.
Life force energy is creation.
It is orgasmic.
Life in itself is orgasmic.
Because life creates.
You create.
You create and birth your desires, your every longing and sexual expression. And this occurs through your sexual energy. The very essence that created you.
The invisible life force that is in everything.
Everything that we create, including babies, is created through this energy.
Everything has this frequency in it
So to live orgasmically doesn’t mean you need to have a tonne of sex. I mean if you desire to then why not but we can connect with this orgasmic way of living in everything we do.
In our rage, in our anger, in the discussions we have with our friends and our families.
It’s about not being ashamed of this sexuality and sexual energy- so when you clear the shame in the body, you can feel the love, and bliss in everything.
In everything you do. In your breath, in the way you intimately connect with your lover.
This can feel scary because we do carry so much shame and fear around what this means.

To live an orgasmic life starts with feeling grounded and safe
The first step is to feel safe. Your body has been through a lot and she desires to feel safe. So you can feel safe and grounded to go to those dark spaces that have yet to be reclaimed.
We store a lot of trauma in the body. We hold a lot of sexual memory in the yoni. We have felt some sort of abuse in one way or another and we keep it in our body if we are not intentionally and consciously working with it. And using the power of your womb and yoni to transmute this power through movement, breath and even visualisations.
So when we clear this out, we start to feel safe. To feel safe to be ourselves. And this isn’t easy for alot of us but it also doesn’t have to be complicated either.
This is why we have such beautiful modalities such as pleasure, which you have access to at the tip of your fingers, literally.
A lot of women who come and join my work, like Feminine Remembrance, start to relax. They start to realise that they have the strength and power within themselves to protect their hearts.
They start to dismantle the beliefs from culture, from society or held from their mothers, their lineage, the belief systems they have taken on unknowingly.
Here is what one sister had to say who completed Feminine Remembrance.
“Feminine Remembrance – Come home to yourself” is life changing!
Jessica created an exceptional experience that has helped me to connect with my body and my authentic self in such a gentle way. The way of learning in this program is very unique, different from conventional courses I have taken. It was a fresh new approach and what an exciting way to learn how to experience human beings – not human doing! Which helps me ground and be out of the fight or flight mode.
I really enjoy the program as it encompasses practical knowledge of our feminine body & energy, reflecting through journaling, authentic & vulnerable sharing in sisterhood and also beautiful curated embodiment practices in the form of ceremonies, rituals, self massage, breathing exercise and also dancing!
It is a healing experience in its essence to regulate my nervous system, as I experience anxiety and not being able to feel relaxed as an overachieving, perfectionist myself. This course taught me how to be safe and held in my body through touch, breath, smell, taste and sight – engaging all my senses. Also, how to experience pleasure and goodness in life because I am worthy of it. Thank you Jessica

We can heal from feeling safe in the body. And we can do this through pleasure practices. In coming back to the sensual lover who is here always within you loving you and waiting for you to love her right back through your sensual movement and sensual touch.
We are powerful beings. And we can come back into this power, to this knowing. And when we come back to SELF, to SPIRIT self, to the Goddess SELF, you start to realise your wholeness. And this is the space we know love. We come back to this essence of love.
When we feel safe, we feel rooted in our self worth, into our whole Spirit self and in this way we receive the love in ways that have never been felt before. It’s all within. It’s self sourced. And this is how we tap into orgasmic energy.
It’s all about returning inward. Feeling inside.
This is exactly why I created Feminine Remembrance: Come Home To Yourself.
Discover more about this immersion here.
Reclaiming your Orgasmic Self
To reclaim your orgasmic self is to reclaim the part of you that fears and feels shame in your orgasms.
Even saying orgasmic, can bring so much fear. Notice how your body feels. She will tell you.
We can reclaim the orgasmic self when we notice where we are denying our own power of enjoying life. We are often told that we can’t enjoy ourselves too much or we wait for the perfect moment to enjoy ourselves.
There has been a repression of pleasure and joy. We see pleasure as bad.
But when you know that the very gift of life is experienced through you, you know that you can experience pleasure in this moment. And this has a ripple effect. We get to reflect the bliss outside of us.
Pleasure is everything. It is not limited to the sex. It is in the feeling of being on purpose. Connected to your oneness with Spirit. Experiencing life in your breath, in your work, in your interactions with your beloved.
But we require the safety to lean back and soften and open to this pleasure. To invite it in.
When you are connected, you are in power.
This very power is found and relearned when we come back to the very essence that was felt when we were children. Free in the body. Living curiously. Living open to life’s opportunities and blessings.
Embodiment is key for living an orgasmic life
Children can be our greatest teachers of embodiment as they are the first connection with Spirit, with this essence of love, with this energy of connection to the body. But very quickly children are shamed.
So we can come to this orgasmic state through the feminine, through her receiving energetic qualities. Through this feeling of aliveness. Which can happen with somatic practices such as the breast massage, which I love teaching and guiding.
This is a beautiful way to really dismantle the shame that we carry in the body without getting too stuck on the whys and hows.
This shame is often manifested as thinking that there is something wrong with our bodies, and this usually comes from childhood. So when we hold onto this shame, our bodies respond. She closes up, she gets heavy, she contracts. And then we block ourselves from really feeling the pleasure of life.
A lot of time it’s about returning to love. Into feeling this. And this is what happens in our sessions.
When I healed shame around my own feelings of abandonment and grief, I was able to slowly return and open up to my own healing qualities of love. This is what the feminine energy is about.
We have to rewrite the memory in your own truth. And this is done slowly. Sensually.
We have to know we can go into this energy, to touch the little girl inside who still fears intimacy or who still fears sharing her voice. And this is done through offering her protection through our love. To know you are there listening.
And when we clear these fears and shame, and it is then that we can bring in the Spiritual self into it and we rewrite our own truth. And we do this through our pleasure practices.

How do we come into trust?
Cultivating trust is so important for your feminine to thrive. It creates this foundation that she can shine her light bright. And this happens in your ability to let go of the outcome. To stay grounded in your truth, and at the same time trust.
Stay in this childlike innocence. And notice the little blessings given to you through your curiosity.
You don’t have to know how. And when we just drop into this moment… we notice. We Feel. We start to notice we are just beings on this Earth meant to experience life…. all of it.
The pain, the shame, the anger… .All of it. But to also always remember to know how to come back to this state of love. And here is how we start to feel into the orgasmic energy of life. Life becomes blissful.
It doesn’t mean life is going to be easy or fun all the time either. But we can find bliss in the mundane.
And saying.. “Wow, I’m here. I have this beautiful man next to me. Right now I’ve got this in my life. Right now I’m breathing.
i’m connecting. I feel my own cherishing of my own heart.

Staying Curious
Staying curious is how we expand our sex life. I’ve been with my man for 7 years now. I don’t expect the same thing.
We experience playing together. We wonder.
We enter as though it is the first time we are seeing each.
Touching for the first time
The second we expect and place outcomes we go into control
So what if you stayed curious and wondered what would happen? You connect deeper with this great feeling of bliss and that is love.
Your true nature is love.
So what would happen if you allowed yourself to receive right now?
No expectations.
Just feeling.
You would stop thinking sex has to feel like a certain way.
Or that he has to show up in this way.
We just drop into the beauty right here.
Life feels easier here. But we are conditioned to think we need to stress or be in judgment or to tense up.
So many people have expectations of how sex should be especially in relationships.
What if you stayed in that curiosity?
Then nothing would be mundane.
You would discover new ways to move your body.
You would experiment with your voice more.
Instead of getting caught up in the judgements, in the beliefs, in the shoulds.
What if you went into it with an openness, with love, with trust in your own self?

Love Yourself Deeply
So how do you come back into this place of I love me, I love how I look, I love how I sound… without getting caught up in the: “I hate my body right now, I want it to look better, I can’t make sounds here, what will he think?” Etc.
Practice being seen and embraced by your own love.
Self pleasure practices are everything.
Practice talking to your spirit self, the inner child who was born as beautiful. Who was born to receive.
Knowing you are worthy of love.
Breathing, believing you are loved.
Touch yourself right now and just say it, “I am loved.”
Your sexuality is your connection with source/Spirit
Your orgasmic expression is a way to connect with the Divine and this happens through your heart portal.
This is why we can have orgasmic breast massages.
We can connect with this greater sense of love through our breasts.
We can only have an orgasm when we are fully present. And when you are present, this is how you connect with Spirit.
This is the time you are fully connected.
You have to be fully present to experience an orgasm.
Even if it is for one second.
You have to be so present.
This is the moment you open to pure oneness. To pure consciousness.
And this doesn’t have to be in that moment of orgasm. In that explosion. It happens the whole time you are connected, present. You are transcended into other places.
If you don’t force and you play with energy, you allow yourself to just be taken, you connect. This happens in presence.
If there is force it is not in flow.
This is the same in all areas of your life.
Think about it.
When you are in a friendship and it doesn’t feel aligned and you force against this current, you don’t feel good, it doesn’t feel wholesome.
So this is where you have to know your body.
Know yourself so deeply.
And listen deeply.
Asking questions and listening.
Listening to your body.
Listening to your signals.
When you slow down and listen, life expands and you learn to feel more satisfied and things show up. And in this space of presence and slowing down and connection, in this space you place those intentions and you listen carefully to where life guides you.
This is what it means to live an orgasmic on purpose life.