

Sacred Sexuality: How Falling in Love with Myself Transformed My Pleasure & Power

A New Paradigm of Lovemaking For years, I explored sex in different ways—through different partners, different experiences, and different expressions of intimacy. I searched for something deeper, something beyond just the physical act. And yet, my true sexual...

Practices To Embody Pleasure- Feel the Aliveness of Your Feminine Energy

Self-pleasure can look different to every woman. It is about finding what feels good and works for you. And it can happen in the most soft, subtle ways. 

Unlock the Power of Pleasure: The Feminine Path to Abundance and Magnetic Radiance

When you fully embrace pleasure and joy, you elevate your vibration, you are more grounded and from this space is how you align yourself with the energy of wealth, beauty, love, abundance and fulfilment.

Reclaim your Feminine Essence Through your Sexual Expression

Reclaim your Feminine Essence Through your Sexual Expression

Part of reclaiming your feminine energy is being willing to step into your power, enjoy your beauty, shine your light, and embody your radiance. It is to step into the embodiment of the wild woman and part of this is knowing what you desire. This woman fully accepts her sexual expression but at the same time she is free in her own authentic spirit. One cannot exist without the other.

Why you need to cultivate sensuality

Why you need to cultivate sensuality

Exhaling, slowing down, feeling the pulse in the heart and the womb.

Slowing down to feel my body.

This is the voice of my yoni through my sensuality.

To feel myself, to drop in, to live in an embodied way is to live from sensuality. So you can breathe in life, so you can feel life, so you can make love with life.

This is the gift of sensuality.

Become a Sensual Woman through your senses

Become a Sensual Woman through your senses

Your sensuality is that inner feeling. It is so deep within you. It’s an experience, an aliveness. 

Living a sensual life and becoming a sensual woman means we have the potential to derive pleasure out of every single waking moment. It’s the ability to turn the sensations that would be normally overlooked, into pleasurable enriching experiences. And in this way your sexual experiences become more enriched through your sensuality.

The Erotic… what is it really?

The Erotic… what is it really?

When you think of the Erotic.. what do you think of straight away?

Does your mind go straight to what you do in the bedroom perhaps?

But let me tell you, the erotic is so much more than what happens in the bedroom.

The erotic is YOU in your natural feminine expression. This is key in cultivating your awakened feminine.

Free 7 Day Erotic Feminine Embodiment Program

Sign up to the 7 day series to activate your sensuality, be connected with your feminine naure and become present in your body for real loving self care and nourishment.