Pleasure is what I love. It is what I am exploring and devoted daily to awakening to hold more of this in my spaces with women.
Pleasure wasn’t always easy for me (even though I thought it was).
I used to rush through stressful mornings. Quickly moving, going from one thing to another. Barely with any time to breathe. And well sex.. kinda felt performative. The way I was moving through my own daily life was penetrating my sexual experiences.
I believe that the way a woman connects to her yoni and womb, a woman who makes space for DAILY pleasure, for daily slowing down, is how she walks into her sexual life and how she RECEIVES, it is how she feels ALIVE and FREE.
I realised my connection with my pleasure was missing… big time.
And a daily practice, a daily ritual to remind me of my birthright to pleasure,
To simple joy, to presence, To self-love was needed.
A daily ritual to touch my body to honour my body.
A daily ritual to move my hips in a way that wasn’t performative but one that allowed me to move and flow with my energy.
A daily ritual that allowed me to be soft with myself.
As a high-achieving gal, this was necessary for me, and probably harder than I realised. But when I did.. oh My Goddess, my life changed. My body changed. My confidence changed. My sex life changed. My relationship with my partner changed. My energy changed. My relationship with Spirit became more alive. My trust in myself was elevated.
Allowing yourself to just FEEL the aliveness of BEING with yourself – This is true self-love.
So, below, I’m sharing a 10-minute pleasure ritual you can use every morning to start your day to feel more elevated in love, and in your feminine energy.
Do this every morning and notice the difference.
Also, check out my other articles related to Pleasure.
10-Minute Morning Pleasure Ritual (With Breast Massage)
Start the morning, just upon waking up, stretching like a cat.
Enjoy a luscious and long stretch, using sounds like “haaaaaaaa“, or any sensual sounds that you like.
Press play on my Pleasure 10 Minute Ritual Playlist. (Make sure to save it so you can come back to it).
Sit quietly, observing yourself and your thoughts.
Sink deeper and pay attention to the noise around.
Switch your awareness from inner silence to the noise in the environment.
Start gazing at the colours around you, and then close your eyes and contemplate the darkness for a moment.
Rub your hands together to create some heat and start by stroking your body in long, sensual caresses that make your skin tingle and your yoni wake up a little.
Be soft and gentle, and nurture yourself through this conscious touch. Take your time.
Take in a few deep, intentional breaths…
Inhaling joy and pleasure and exhaling any worries for the day.
Stay present in the moment with the touch of your fingers on your skin. Touching your chest, belly, and legs.
Moving your hands gently back to your breasts. holding them for a few moments and breathing into your heart space. Feeling into the subtle feeling of joy.
Move your hands in a circular motion down and up the outside of your breasts, changing directions…and using whatever pressure feels good for you. Using any kind of speed.
End the morning practice by moving your body (staying seated or coming into standing), feeling all the joy and aliveness, until the music finishes. Just basking and bringing that feeling into the context of your day.
To complete this feminine ritual, gently cup your breasts.
Bring a gentle smile to your face. Feel the joyfulness through the stillness.
Bask in the bliss.
Thank your body for offering you this joy and bliss.
To deepen your connection with your pleasure to receive abundance, joy and love in your life, as you tap into your feminine energy… I invite you to join us in Feminine Remembrance. A life-changing transformative, pleasure, embodiment 10-week group temple that will leave you feeling energised, activated and connected to your authentic powerful feminine self.
This program isn’t just filled with embodiment, and tangible self-pleasure practices for you to feel more relaxed and sensual in your skin, but you will have the opportunity to heal and redefine your values and standards as a woman in the company of other strong, extraordinary women in a safe container.

To discover more about why the Tantric Breast Massage will help not only bring pleasure into your life but guide you into living life from your heart and body wisdom.
Watch the video here.