Did you know that pleasure is one of the most powerful gateways to abundance and radiating magnetism?
When you fully embrace the power of pleasure and joy, you elevate your vibration, you are more grounded and from this space is how you align yourself with the energy of wealth, beauty, love, abundance and fulfilment.
To create beauty, ecstasy, richness, beauty, and deliciousness in your life, you must spend time cultivating and radiating that vibration outward. This is a devotion to your feminine energy with pleasure. This is not something that is of reckless indulgence – it is a sacred ritual of honouring your body, your soul essence, and your heart’s deepest desires. And it is a daily, momentum of turning on.
Your feminine asks you to relax and open your body and energetic body through pleasure, through the embodiment of your sensuality.
Unlocking your sensual self is key to safety in the body. From this space, you receive more fully and with ease. In this magnetic state, you become the lover that draws in with your natural radiance. Drawing in what is aligned with your heart’s yearnings.
Explore Your Path Of Bliss And Pleasure
How do you become magnetic?
Explore your path of bliss and pleasure.
This means allowing yourself to be immersed in pleasure practices that are already part of your daily experience.
Notice how it feels when you immerse yourself in warm water.
When you place chocolate in your mouth and allow it to melt on your younger
What happens to your body when you feel the sun meet your skin?
Notice that feeling of an intimate kiss or hug by your loved one.
Allow your hips to move slowly to music that transcends.
Read this blog post about the different ways you can embody pleasure in your daily life.
We often associate pleasure with something being sexual. In the same way, being sensual doesn’t mean being sexual. Although they all work and intertwine with one another, your pleasure is simply about honouring your desire to be in the present moment. This is how you expand your capacity to receive.
It’s not something to add to a “to-do” list, as that would be a masculine, doing-based approach, or performance. Instead, pleasure is deeply rooted in the feminine energy of presence and surrender to the NOW. Of being with yourself in the totality of your experience- feeling, connecting, sensing, tuning in, descending inward.
So Ask yourself, “What would give me pleasure in this moment?”Â
Give yourself permission and allow yourself the space and time to create it – even if it’s as simple as taking a few deep breaths and relaxing into your chair at the moment.
Or feeling your root connect with Mother Earth and feeling your presence with hers.
Or touching your body by caressing your arms and thighs so gently.
Moving your hips in circles (the feminine loves to move and play in the spiral movement).
It’s best to commit to a dedicated time frame, such as 20 minutes and set an alarm so you can let go and go deeper without feeling guilty or being distracted by the buzzing of your to-do list.
IF 20 minutes seems too much to begin with, start with 5 minutes.
Are You Blocking Your Pleasure?
When I work with clients one-on-one we look at the root of what blocks their pleasure, and it is usually connected to childhood and religious conditioning, as well as the need to fit into “a good girl” box, which numbs us down and shuts down our natural expression.
A lot of the time, they notice how this idea and need to perform has been directly tied to love and worth, which has blocked this ability to open and soften, and therefore receive.
As women, we tend to store much of our resistance and shame around pleasure in our wombs and intimate parts. This resistance can cause us to contract. And this contraction is what can also cause and manifest as physical pain.
Sometimes, these blocks stem from ancestral lineages or the collective field, carried unconsciously.
Does it sound familiar?
The truth is, when we numb our anger, frustration, and pain, we numb our capacity to feel all of our emotions, including pleasure.
Pleasure exists in your ability to connect and be intimate with all that is.
We cannot control and dissect our emotions and choose what to feel or not. We must allow ourselves and practice working on the inner safety to feel the totality. In this totality, is how we also invite in pleasure.
Therefore, the ONLY way to unlock your abundance and pleasure is to feel it all!
Learn to hold whatever is moving through your body with compassion and unconditional presence.
If you are here, reading this, you most likely know that it is our role to heal these patterns within ourselves, and it’s crucial to clear and unlock our bodies, sensuality, and sexual power.
That’s why I am encouraging you to book a Feminine Reconnect session with me, where we will descent down into the heart, body and womb- to clear, alchemise and activate love through your sensual slow connection.
BOOK A FREE CONNECTION CALL WITH ME and let’s get started.

The Power Of Pleasure is in The FEELING
Maybe you’ve heard the saying, “Your capacity to feel pleasure is your capacity to feel pain.”
Take a moment with me – what are you feeling in your body right now?
Pleasure is your birthright, and by reclaiming it, you step into your fullest power.
Imagine a life where joy and abundance flow to you effortlessly because you’ve opened yourself to receive. It all starts with the simple act of tuning into your feelings and honouring what brings you bliss.
Start your journey of connecting with your pleasure, sensual aliveness and the feeling of love through the presence of your being by signing up for my FREE 7-DAY COURSE- EROTIC FEMININE EMBODIMENT.