
20 powerful Self Love Affirmations

Jan 13, 2022Healing, Lifestyle

self love, heart, love, woman
What if I told you that self love is not something you learn. You dont learn self love, you don’t follow steps and strategies to do more self love. No.. You were born as a manifestation of love. I know especially first hand, as an educator in my earlier years, what amazed me about children […]

What if I told you that self love is not something you learn. You dont learn self love, you don’t follow steps and strategies to do more self love. No.. You were born as a manifestation of love.

I know especially first hand, as an educator in my earlier years, what amazed me about children was their ability to love, no matter what. 

Children open their hearts to receive and they unconditionally give it back.  But something happens along the way.. No fault of our own.. It’s life..experiences, ego, heartbreak etc. Our layers disconnect us more and more to the person we always are.. And that is Love. this is the truth of who we are. Love is the portal to our highest potential. Love lives through you in every waking moment and it is our purpose in this lifetime to remember and uncover this medicine. The medicine that heals all. 

love, pink flowers, beauty, abundance

Love can be manifested in many ways.  It is in the way you hold and take space, the way you talk to and treat people. The way you walk into each day. The way you look at people and listen to their thoughts and ideas. The way you respond to them. How you choose to show up each day. The way you smile and hug someone genuinely. The way you experience humility. These are all ways of coming from love. 

Love is moving and pouring at us at all times. And the more we practice the embodiment of this love, the more we become equipped to hold more power, which is more love. Through that, we continue to discover more of our truth. We continue to see that we are always held, supported and free. And we will see the world with love only. This is how become a magnet to conscious love. 

This is what I live for.. Helping women.. Discover this power they hold in every waking moment to live a fulfileld and happy life.

Receive your Self Love Affirmations

Below, I have included some powerful self love affirmations that you can also use for self esteem, for remebering your divine nature, or for just self confidence. When you say the words out loud and to yourself, you are bringing this into your reality.

When you do these affirmations you are not just saying I am love on the surface level. When you are saying them out loud, I want you to really feel them, and really make them part of your new dialogue of your mind, body and soul. So that on a deep cellular knowing, you know you are love. Your deep knowing always lies within your feeling body. Let’s bring this new dialogue into your manifested reality beautiful.

Think of these self love affirmations as an anchor – especially if you find yourself in a challenging energy, just think back on your affirmation and bring the positive energies back into your energetic field. 

self love affirmation
Self love affirmations
self love affirmation

20 Self love Affirmations for self eseteem, for self condifende, for transofmring your life

I am beautiful

I am luminious

I am filled with love and compassion

I will not apologise for my feelings

I choose loving words

I choose to surround myself with high vibrational people who love, support and respect me

I am worthy of love, compassion and abundance

I give myself permission to go inward and feel the direction of my heart

I choose love

Love is the whole thing. We are only pieces. -Runi.

I trust the Universe will offer me loving energy

Today, I choose me

I am love

I am the expression of the divine which is love in all forms

I choose positive self talk

My boundaries are self love and self respect

I recognise my true essence in every soul I meet

I am a resillient soul

I am enough

I am worthy of receiving love as much as I give

I choose to see this through the lens of love

Sign up here to receive your beautiful self love affirmations here goregous. discover also how you can use these affirmations in your daily practice ritual. Remember your feminine is ritual. And it is through ritual we can connect with even more than what our mind can comprehened, which is love, spirit, love.

Tell us in the comments below which self love affirmation landed with you the most.

Hello my love,

My name is Jessica and I devote my life to bringing beauty and love to this world. 

I invite all women to live freely and the closest to their soul through embracing the power of their heart, womb and sensuality in unity with spirituality.  As I believe these are all one.

With my samba dancing background, work around womb and yoni healing and a life dedicated to my spiritual path, I am now here to bring this way of life to all women. To guide you into a life of empowerment, flow and bliss.

As I believe self worth, love and sensuality is every woman’s birthright.

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