The Dark Feminine Is Rising…
This has nothing to do with what exists on the outside, but everything to do with our internal vast landscapes. The deep dive into our dark oceans, where our deepest yearnings and desires are held.
The Dark Feminine has always been within you. she is the sister to your power, to your light. She is a vital aspect of the awakening of the divine feminine energy.
Before patriarchal paradigms, the dark feminine was considered an essential aspect of our transformation, healing and power. A beautiful passionate, primal life force energy, which guides our desires and dreams forward with the love and purity of the heart.

Fearing the WILD, WISE WOMAN
The Great Mother, Mother Gaia is our greatest teacher of the darkness. And In ancient times, the Great Mother presided over not just life but also death.
Women enter the dark phase of their cycle monthly, and this was revered, and honoured, as this is a time when our healing powers and our oracle wisdom are heightened.
Women who were bleeding, women who were no longer bleeding/elders who were resting in their dark moon phase, the healers, wise women, and Priestesses were turned to for guidance and healing.
When patriarchal systems were put into place, a woman’s power, her feminine gifts, her sexuality, her wisdom, her intuition, her mysticism, her ability to hold space for other women, doulas, artists, wise women, healers, priestesses began to be seen as a THREAT to society.
Therefore, wise women, teachers, healers, the priestesses were erased, and forgotten, their voices and mystical wisdom stripped of their power.
It is no wonder, women who are empaths, who feel a lot, who receive guidance, her dance to connect with the Goddess, wise women, priestesses of our times….
feel shamed, feel unseen, feel so many constraints in their voices, fear to be who they truly are.
Women who were in their power of love, and aligned with their gifts, priestesses who guided others using sex as the magic… were silenced. Discredited. Persecuted. Hunted down in the “witch hunt.”
The Dark Goddess, who had once been an integrated part of each goddess or woman, was now feared and seen as evil.
The structure of the top-down model, really created fear of the woman in her power, in her gifts, in her light, using her voice, her dance, her sex to heal… all were feared and everything she represented was rejected.
Today, in modern times, we are still dealing with this trauma within our cells, and feminine psyche, where we have a fear of using our gifts and fully being seen in that. We are still dealing with these themes today. We hide or dim ourselves.
But.. we have also come a long way… And this is why, (for most women around the world, still not all), we are privileged to now sit together in love and the frequency of compassion, to practice being held in our power. To create a new timeline for a new earth to be birthed through us and around us, through the frequency of love. We are the birthers after all.

The Dark Feminine is Within You
The dark feminine is a part of you- she is the subconscious thoughts, emotional impulses and primal instincts. She is ready to be seen by you.
She is here to rise through you, to remember the aspects of you that have been dimmed down to fit in and be safe in a world that has shamed and vilified a woman’s gifts. This dark feminine within you is the wild, untamed and unapologetic part of your feminine psyche.
So we have a holy responsibility as women, to reclaim these aspects of ourselves.
To use our passionate, intense energy to revive her. Instead of pointing fingers and placing power outside of ourselves. We have to choose this path, otherwise, we stay hidden, or play the victim of your story, which you are not.
We can step into our power by descending down and coming back up again with greater love, compassion, fire and willpower.
The dark feminine or dark goddess energy is Scorpionic in nature. We can think of the serpent rising from deep within your root.
She’ll take you into the Underworld, dredge up your darkest secrets and desires, and demand you own them. Otherwise, you will continue to feel like you are stuck, confused, overwhelmed… all of these feelings are here to reveal that you are here for MORE. And that a change is required. That you honor every bit of yourself. So you can surrender to the pain, to rebirth over and over again.
She knows that your liberation is on the other side of your trauma.
And she is here guiding you back into your heart, so it doesn’t have to be scary anymore. So you don’t have to fear your own power, your gifts and those of other women.
You came here to be amazing.

We are ready to face the Dark Feminine in Rising
The dark feminine is rising now because we are READY to face her.
As I mentioned, we live in privileged times, where most women can do this work (we can take a moment to honour those women who cannot still).
We are not victims anymore. We have the power to face and feel the fear and anger due to thousands of years of oppression.
We are able to advocate for ourselves and others in the face of injustice without the fear of persecution. We can declare what feels like a holy No. And we can do it with integrity and love.
We have the power to step into our light now. Maybe we will be shamed and ridiculed by those who still fear this power, but we are in this together. And I need your help, to co-create this frequency of love, to bring this energy up and through us through our own creative, erotic energy.
And I am here supporting you in this.
We are ready for the healing that will allow us to integrate the dark feminine so that she may empower us.
This is energy that holds our codes of sovereignty.
It activates the Queen within us.
Let me tell you., as you accept this part of yourself, you develop healthier boundaries, you heal sexual trauma, you advocate for yourself and others, you embrace pleasure as a core part of your nature and in the process you heal shame.
This is what is needed for the feminine more than ever. We don’t have to be the “nice girl” anymore. but we can lead with our hearts, and create from a space of softness and pleasure.
We are here to speak fearlessly and knowingly.
When you are centred in your being, what comes out of your body, is the expression of the Goddess.
We can be all of ourselves.
We can embrace our inner dark and wild woman who holds so much wisdom for us.
Imagine how much love, beauty, wisdom, spirituality, and connection are missing when you do not own your beautiful feminine power and gifts.
Unleashing her gifts as her power.
Join Dark Feminine Rising under the Scorpio New Moon- An embodiment circle to clear and activate your true self. I’d love to hold you in this space of healing, releasing and activating your beautiful radiant self.
This is a beautifully written and empowering post. I love the way it honors the depth and complexity of feminine energy. The idea of reclaiming the dark feminine and embracing its wisdom resonates deeply.
How can we start integrating the dark feminine into our daily lives to heal and awaken this vital aspect of ourselves? Are there specific practices or rituals you’d recommend to connect with this energy?
Thankyou for your loving words. I am so happy to hear it resonated with you and empowered you to explore and integrate your own dark feminine energy in your being. Thankyou for reading.
Any work related to the mysticism of the feminine, sensuality, connecting with your womb space, exploring your sexuality.. are all powerful ways to connect and awaken your dark feminine energy. Any space or place you feel has been somewhat suppressed or hidden away and is now ready to be awakened through your temple. I hope that helped. Love Jessica