

How well do you know your menstrual Cycle?

I wanted to share some of the things that I wish I had known growing up when it comes to relating to my menstrual cycle. And then I am going to share the four menstrual cycle phases that I wish for every woman to know.

How To Be Sexually Radiant: Sex Myths Debunked

These myths around sexuality have come from my own experience and from very similar stories from the women who have come to work with me in my spaces. We need to start restoring our feminine energy and realise some of the stories and beliefs that may be blocking our sexual radiance and sacral chakra. In this way, we start to walk into relationships and life in a more empowered way.

10 habits to increase your feminine energy

When I speak about Feminine energy it’s important to know that we all have feminine and masculine energies within us all. It doesn’t matter what gender. However, women usually have more dominant feminine energy. And they are usually in their happy place when they are anchored into their feminine energy. 

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Free 7 Day Erotic Feminine Embodiment Program

Sign up to the 7 day series to activate your sensuality, be connected with your feminine naure and become present in your body for real loving self care and nourishment.