
The Divine Journey to Self-Love: You are the Goddess

Oct 8, 2024Awakening, Spirituality

feminine energy, divine feminine, goddess, beauty
When we begin to reconnect with the truth of who we are, the Goddess within awakens, and life starts to flow in a way that is more aligned with love, joy, and sacredness.

Everything you are is the Goddess Expression

In this world, we often forget who we truly are—the embodiment of divinity, the living expression of the Goddess. This forgetting is part of the human journey, but so is the remembrance. When we begin to reconnect with the truth of who we are, the Goddess within awakens, and life starts to flow in a way that is more aligned with love, joy, and sacredness.

This blog post is a glimpse into my personal process of awakening and realizing the beauty and perfection of who we are as divine beings.

Embody The Goddess Within

You are the expression of the goddess.

Every breath you take, every word you speak, every action you take is Her manifesting through you. You are the Goddess, living in this body, having come here to be the expression of divine creation. When we truly embrace this, we begin to release the shame and self-doubt that hold us back.

You are the sacred vessel that receives and embodies divinity. And the Goddess is spirit manifested in form, and yet, somewhere along the way, we lost this understanding.

We forgot the sacredness of our own bodies and the divinity that flows through them. Instead of honoring our wisdom, we learned to override it with knowledge and logic, numbing ourselves to the aliveness within.

Discover more about aliveness here.

Reclaiming the Sacred

The process of reclaiming our divinity begins with the body.

The goddess is alive in our sacred temple, in the sensations, feelings, and energy that move through us.

She is the divine expressed through matter, the creator of all things. But creation cannot happen when we are numb, contracted, or blocked. When we are not rooted.

When we are rooted, and present, the Goddess flows and so does our pleasure.

To create, we must be alive, moving, and open to the flow of energy. Women, in particular, carry a sacred responsibility as the vessels of life force. And we awaken this aliveness within ourselves and the world.

This journey is about belonging, about realizing that you are perfect just as you are.

For me, this realization came through my body, not through intellectual understanding but through direct experience, a felt sense experience, on a somatic level. I’ve studied many modalities and healing practices, but the deepest transformations have come from surrendering to the wisdom of my body. They have come from my lived experiences, feeling and practicing the art of surrender, of coming into communion with my emotions, my desires and knowing when my intuition is speaking loudly.

i am the goddess, affirmations, self love

My Awakening

I grew up in a way where I internalized a lot of external pressures that made me feel ashamed of myself. Over time, I distanced myself from my body and my true needs, learning to mould myself into what I thought I needed to be to survive. This was a form of manipulation, a way of denying my own truth to fit in. But as I began to work with the deeper parts of myself, I realized how much shame I had been carrying.

My spiritual awakening happened when I finally surrendered to the pain I was feeling. Life kind of didn’t give me a choice really.

I was “forced” into many endings of toxic relationships and when I moved to Mexico, it is as though my life had fallen apart. But what was really happening was a realignment, a rebalancing.

For a long time, I relied on external sources—friends, relationships, and even travel—to help me escape the discomfort inside. But this was a temporary fix, and I eventually became addicted to the distractions. True healing began when I built an inner sanctuary for myself, learning to mother my own inner child, to offer love and compassion to the parts of me that had been neglected for so long.

In those moments of deep pain, I discovered something beautiful—a light, a whisper, a reminder that I am love.

It was a quiet voice at first, almost drowned out by the layers of trauma and generational pain I was carrying. But through continued practice and devotion to this path of healing, that voice grew louder, and I began to trust it. This is the voice of the Goddess within, the loving presence that is always there, waiting to be acknowledged.

Surrendering to Love

The Goddess is not just an abstract concept or a figure in mythology.

She is fierce, and she is real. She is the voice that looks at you in the mirror and says, “You are a goddess.”

She cuts through the bullshit and demands that you acknowledge your worth and your beauty. When we open ourselves to be receptacles of life force, to surrender to the flow of spirit, we come into the embodiment of love.

Aliveness is love.

The full expression of who you are is love.

And to embody this fully, we must accept our humanity—our pain, our imperfections, our mistakes. There is so much magic in acknowledging the times when we didn’t feel worthy, when we made choices from a place of self-doubt or fear. These experiences are not to be cast away but to be embraced as part of the divine journey.

self love, surrender to love, positive affirmations, love love affirmations

Reclaiming the Whole Self

The journey to self-love is not about striving to be a perfect woman, whatever that means. It’s about bringing love to every part of yourself, even the parts you don’t like.

It’s about saying, “I may not love this part of me, but I can accept it and bring compassion to it.” This is the energy of the goddess. She encompasses all things—there is no good or bad in her eyes, only wholeness.

We must move away from the fluffy, idealised versions of the Goddess that we see in popular culture and begin to honour her presence in the full spectrum of our humanity. She is not just the serene figure in a yoga pose or a dance class.

She is the wild, fierce energy that moves through us when we feel our anger, our passion, our grief.

She is aliveness.

She is the one who tells us to stand tall in our truth, to honor our boundaries, and to love ourselves fiercely.

Healing Through Surrender

For me, a big part of this journey has been about surrendering to my body, especially in relation to my sexuality. I went through phases of rebellion, where I gave my body away in a way that wasn’t honoring my worth. But through love, I now see that this was part of my path, a necessary exploration to help me hold the light for other women. I now approach sexuality from a place of sovereignty, as a sacred priestess reclaiming her power.

Whatever you are feeling in your body—whether it’s pain, emotion, or divine love—the task is to surrender to it. Resistance creates more pain, more resentment, and more burnout. But surrender allows love to enter. It’s not easy, and I’m not going to pretend that it is. I’ve been doing embodiment work for years, and only now am I able to fully hold myself in this way. But it’s possible, and it’s worth it.

Embracing the Goddess

This is a lifelong journey. There will always be new layers of pain to feel and new depths of love to experience. But as we develop the capacity to hold ourselves in our emotions, we open ourselves to the ecstasy of life.

All of you is welcome.

All of you is divine. The goddess within you is a creator, a divine artist who sees beauty and uniqueness in everything.

You are a gorgeous creation, unlike any other.

Your voice, your face, your expression—there is no one else like you.

The goddess doesn’t create duplicates. She creates delicious, unique, and beautiful expressions of life. When you forget this, just look around you. The flowers, the trees, the sky—they are all reminders of the beauty and divinity that you are a part of.

positive words, wild woman, embracing the goddess, self love words

Awaken to your Goddess codes

I believe that part of my purpose is to help women remember their own beauty, their own divinity, and their own power. There is so much shame around our bodies and our sexuality, but these are the keys to our awakening. My own sexual exploration has been a divine pathway to knowing myself more deeply, and I know that this is possible for every woman.

The Goddess is within you, waiting to be awakened. She is not some distant ideal or unattainable perfection. She is you, in all your wholeness, in all your humanity.

When you surrender to her, when you honour the sacredness of your body and your emotions, you open the door to the divine. And in that space, you remember that you are love, you are whole, and you are perfect just as you are.

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feminine remembrance

✨ Ready to awaken your true feminine power and unlock your full potential as a woman, through embracing your wild woman and the Queen you are?

❤Join the 10 week Group Temple 𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞: 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 https://jessicaangileri.com/feminine-...

Feminine Remembrance is designed to help you reconnect with your body, rediscover your divine feminine energy, and heal the layers of conditioning that have kept you from fully embracing your authentic self.

Through sacred practices, embodiment practice, and deep inner work, you’ll:

✨ Heal old wounds and release the trauma stored in your body

✨ Reconnect with your sensuality and pleasure

✨ Step into your full feminine radiance and magnetism

✨Feel safe and have trust in your female body

✨Unleash the wild woman within, where dimming your light is not an option

✨Feel the rapture and inner bliss of experiencing her sensuality and sexuality Honour the organic sacred feminine through the field of the erotic and somatic feminine intelligence.

Hello my love,

My name is Jessica and I devote my life to bringing beauty and love to this world. 

I invite all women to live freely and the closest to their soul through embracing the power of their heart, womb and sensuality in unity with spirituality.  As I believe these are all one.

With my samba dancing background, work around womb and yoni healing and a life dedicated to my spiritual path, I am now here to bring this way of life to all women. To guide you into a life of empowerment, flow and bliss.

As I believe self worth, love and sensuality is every woman’s birthright.

(Free) Erotic Feminine Embodiment Program

The path of feminine reclamation and remembrance

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