
Discover how to surrender to release anxiety

Dec 19, 2020Awakening, Healing

surrender and dance
A woman’s medicine also lies in her erotica, in her ability to be free with her body.

Want to discover how you can learn to surrender to release anxiety? I might just have the answer for you.

We hear this word surrender alot, and sometimes it may seem harder than it seems. You may even think, how doI surrender if my mind is racing a thousand miles an hour?

We live in a world where we are always on the go, we over plan and over schedule our days. It seems that the common factor between people is anxiety, I myself have lived in this state also so I do know what it feels like.

We have forgotten something so important and that is to know how to let go, to surrender, to dance, to be in the present moment and most importantly, surrender to the divine which is always within you. Surrender to the medicine of love which is the glue to your manifestation.

When I speak about movement or dance, I don’t mean taking up a dance class, instead, I mean to dance and surrender to your own rhythm and flow of life. If you are a woman, you have your own unique, beautiful rhythm which lies in your womb space. Whether or not you have your menstrual cycle or not, or have a womb space or not, the energy of your monthly cycles still exists. This is the beauty of being a woman. But we must learn to tap into this cycle and how do we make that happen? Through rest, through surrendering and letting go of what we cannot control. Through preserving our energy throughout the month and to know how to move through whatever we are feeling in the body.

The path you are walking right now in your life is occurring right now because somewhere along the way, there is always an opportunity waiting for you to melt into and learn from it. Interesting isn’t it? Which is why surrendering to what you cannot control is always the key in letting go and releasing anxiety.

Practise surrender in your movement

dancer, release, surrender, dance, sensual

A woman’s natural medicine is actually the ability to let go and surrender. In this surrender, a woman is able to recharge and reconnect with her divineness. Her natural essence which is flow, love and the cycles of life. A woman’s medicine lies in her erotica, in her ability to be free with her body.

This can be expressed and cultivated through movement and dance. This is what it means to be completely in your divine feminine. Here is where we find our juices, creativity, and alignment. This is the place we want to be. This is the place we can come home to, to feel at peace and be calm. This is the place where we can manifest our biggest dreams. 

When I talk about the feminine, I am referring to this raw natural state, the wild, luscious, emotive and receptive state. Where you feel all your emotions and use your body to allow them to move through you like the endless flow of the river. Here is where we must be in order to manifest our biggest dreams and desires. This is the place where we are creative, sensual and make our dreams grow. Not from the mind or our egoic state.

Surrender to flow with your own unique rhythm

As women, we are blessed with our moon cycles, or menstrual cycles, whether you believe it or not. This is our strength and powerful medicine and when we learn to tune into our own unique cycles, we learn to surrender and flow with our own rhythm. We must as women know that we operate from a place of flow, just like we do with our moon cycles.

nature, woman, cycles

When we learn to surrender to our moon cycles, our menstruation, we begin to honour the parts of us that need time to rest and we provide space to rejuvenate and restore. When we surrender to this time, we are loving the wise womb and honouring her with the love she deserves through rest and surrender.

This surrender and letting go is where we can tap into our intuition. It is also how we become more energised after each cycle. Through our surrender and letting go, we also start to understand the body’s dialogue and how it speaks to us. When we do this, we also release anxiety and tension in the body.

We must surrender and learn the art of letting go in our daily life also. We are not meant to operate from this over-controlled, over planned way of life. For too long we have been operating from this hypervigilant state of mind, this is not where our magic as women lies. It lies in our body, our hearts and the womb.

We have forgotten how to “let go” and surrender

This fear of letting go or needing control stems from our conditioning. We have forgotten that it is in our surrender and being in the body, where all the magic of creation occurs. Not in the mind. Not in the logic.  

This depth of the body as a magical vehicle for manifestation and tapping into the spiritual world has been oppressed and forgotten about. The female body and our true power have not been honoured in this masculine world. 

There is such fear of being a woman and being in her raw essence.  There is fear around being fearless and free. There is so much conditioning around this, not to mention shaming from others- “She must be unstable,” “she must be uncontrollable,” “she doesn’t know what she wants in her life.” This in turn has made us turn against ourselves also and we become more disconnected and numb from what really is aligned to our hearts and soul.

Instead of operating from the mind, what if we started to put more trust into the body and heart. It is time to start unlocking the key of the mind and hand them over to the magic of our movement.

The body is a magical vessel

The body is a magical vessel. It is so important to see it as a way to manifest and step into our power. When we let ourselves go through movement (with no plan or structure), we discover something special, mystical and sacred. It is not about the end result, rather it is the full expression of the divine feminine.  This is where our empowerment lies. There is no right or wrong in this expression. There is no perfectionism. There is no guideline. 

When we dance or use any other form of movement, we give ourselves permission to move through stagnant energy and move away from the hypervigilant mind. This is the place we habitually live from, especially in this patriarchy world. This is where all of our anxieties, fears and worries stem from. We have been trying to “work out” and analyse for too long. But let me tell you, there is nothing wrong with you. You just have not yet remembered that your body is your vessel for releasing. You have just forgotten how to use your body as a way to manifest. As a vehicle for manifestation.

beauty, flower, divine feminine, feminine

The feminine expression is where we can let go, be free, be wild. It is spontaneous, beautiful, unpredictable and always bringing new life into the aliveness. This will look different to everyone, no matter man or woman, There is no ONE way of expression or movement. Your heart and soul will lead the body if you trust. There is no one way to tap into the feminine power.  

When we move from the mind and into our movement, we can discover our passions, dreams, desires for life. This is where we activate our juices. This is where we turn desires into reality.

It is time to surrender to your own flow, to your divineness. 

We need to allow ourselves to accept change, to flow, to listen to the body. This is the vehicle for connecting to our deepest desires and truth.

We need to understand that not knowing is not scary, it is where our transformation and rebirth occurs.

We need to let go of the shoulds, the labels, the shaming around the chaos and “imperfection,” or not “making sense.” When we work from this oppression, we deprive our feminine and the aliveness from blossoming. It manifests into something that is not nutritious. 

Reclamation of the female body 

When we move away from the mind, learn to fall and melt into the body, we reconnect to our natural essence. Here we learn to surrender and listen to what truly matters at the heart. It is there we become nourished, vibrant, sexy and we become alive. 

feminine, dancer, divine feminine

It is time to reclaim and reconnect to all the parts of ourselves. Let go, drop into the feeling body and listen. 

So I dare you today to just dance, or move or just see where your body wants to take you. Reactivate that aliveness within you.

At the end of the day, all that little child inside of your heart wants to do is dance, be wild and mostly, be free. The more we learn to surrender, let go and be free from the mind, the more we place trust to our Divine power and the Universe. 

I invite you to sign up to receive your sensual activation practice, just to help you get into your body and calm your nervous system. Hope to see you there and let me know how you felt after doing this sensual practice with me.

Hello my love,

My name is Jessica and I devote my life to bringing beauty and love to this world. 

I invite all women to live freely and the closest to their soul through embracing the power of their heart, womb and sensuality in unity with spirituality.  As I believe these are all one.

With my samba dancing background, work around womb and yoni healing and a life dedicated to my spiritual path, I am now here to bring this way of life to all women. To guide you into a life of empowerment, flow and bliss.

As I believe self worth, love and sensuality is every woman’s birthright.

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