Learning about feminine and masculine energies can sometimes feel like another pressure placed upon us as women. A rigid mold to fit into. A standard to achieve. It can create shame for us modern-day women, making us feel like we’re not feminine enough, not sensual enough, not soft enough—and therefore, not good enough.
But here’s the truth…
Reclaiming your feminine energy—the very essence of what I love guiding women into—isn’t about swinging to one extreme and abandoning the masculine. It’s about finding your inner core, cultivating a deep well of strength, and allowing yourself to dance fluidly between both energies- sacred masculine and feminine.
So to my women who feel they are too much in their masculine— You are STILL deeply feminine.
You were NEVER unfeminine. You were never too masculine.
So many women come to me longing to feel more feminine, and I love this because we are experiencing a new awakening on Earth. Feminine consciousness is rising. There is a deep yearning to reconnect with the erotic feminine, the energy of creativity, pleasure, and life force itself.
Yet, in doing this work, we must remember—we cannot forget the masculine within us. We need him. We just need to offer him a new language—one that is felt through the love elixir of the feminine.

Creating Space for Your Feminine Essence to Flourish
The first step in harmonizing these energies is to take a breather from the overworked, overproducing masculine within you. He’s exhausted. He’s been running the show for too long, and it’s time to soften the grip.
Because let’s be honest— The intuitive, creative, pleasurable, sensual, erotic aspects of the feminine… she has been forgotten. But the wild feminine heart is always ready to be activated. And she awakens the moment you begin to connect with your body.
When you do this, something magical happens. You begin to send your inner masculine the nectar of your feminine energy. And he will love you for it.
He will create safety within you. He will hold you so you can open.
The masculine is the container for your untamed, beautiful being to flow. He provides the structure so your creative essence can ignite. He helps you radiate your magnetism in a way that is rooted in truth. He delivers this truth. He penetrates the world with your beauty.
So as you can see… They rely on one another.
You may find yourself more in your doing, structured masculine energy in business and work, yet in your relationships, you may crave receptivity, intuition, and surrender. Or have a desire to.
So It’s not about a perfect balance—because perfection is an illusion. It’s about harmonizing, alchemizing, integrating. It’s about knowing when to lean forward and take action—and when to soften, surrender, and feel.
The feminine is in deep service to the masculine, just as the masculine is in service to her. They co-exist in a divine dance of polarity, creating an inner sanctuary of peace, love, and expansion.
So rather than shaming yourself for not being feminine enough— Or comparing yourself to the women on social media who seem to embody effortless feminine radiance—
Understand this: When you truly honor and come home to your feminine energy, the old paradigm of competition and comparison dissolves.
Because the feminine within you is your truth. There is nothing to compare to. Because your feminine essence is the exact blueprint that this world needs. She is the sacred expression of your wild feminine heart. She holds the keys to your Queendom.
When you anchor into her, you dismantle the false templates of femininity—the ones that tell you she must look a certain way, with the perfect body, perfect curves, perfect breasts. These were never the truth. The real feminine is untamed, free, and deeply connected to her body. She is safe to feel sensual—not in a performative way, but as a natural expression of her essence.
And this safety? That’s the masculine within you. He is the support system that allows your wild, sensual expression to unfold. He gives you the courage to explore your desires—whether in love, relationships, or your sacred work in the world.
The masculine is not the enemy. He is your sacred ally dear sister.
When we stop shaming our inner masculine, we stop shaming the masculine in men as well. We see their strength and power through new eyes. We see them through the sacred feminine heart. We begin to worship their divine presence. Because we have made peace with our own.

Honoring Both Energies in Your Body
The goal is not to disconnect from the masculine but to redefine his role. If he has been dominating, it’s time to loosen the grip and create space for her to thrive.
Through practice. Through nourishment. Through feminine embodiment.
Through connecting with your breasts. Through facing your emotions and offering them love. Through feeling. Through listening. Through giving yourself permission to be.
As you do this, your inner masculine strengthens in a way that is healthy and aligned. He learns to hold space for your emotions rather than suppress them. This creates a ripple effect in your life—
You set clearer boundaries. You trust yourself more. You soften into surrender in your relationships and in sex.
Because the truth is, feminine energy and masculine energy are deeply intertwined. They are not separate. They are not black and white.
These are not rigid roles, but living, breathing archetypes. And when you consciously work with them, you create balance, harmony, and a deep, loving relationship with yourself.
This is why I love this work so much. Because it’s been my journey. I used to be so in my head, anxious all the time, never safe to fully let go and allow my feelings to be felt without judging them. Perfectionism was much easier for me to hold onto because it allowed me to feel wanted and desired. But this only caused disconnection and numbness of my aliveness and my life force.
So when I started to do this work, I started to feel safe in my body, to allow a deeper layer of pleasure to enter, and healing. I healed my PCOS and IBS. My sex became more profound because I was more connected to my orgasmic aliveness.
Here is an episode that you might like to help you live an orgasmic life.
So…Learning how to dance between these energies has pulled me out of my head and into my body.
It has connected me with my sacred feminine heart and rooted me into the earth. And from this place, I have learned how to open. How to trust. How to flow.
When you do this, something beautiful happens— You unlock the gateway to your sensual aliveness.
In this opening, there is a softening. A release. A surrendering to life. Without losing your core. Without losing your power.

This isn’t about deciding, Okay, now I’ll be feminine. Now I’ll be masculine.
It’s subtler than that. It’s the moment you create space for your feminine to flourish—by taking time for self-pleasure, by massaging your breasts, by listening to your body.
That is your masculine holding space for her to express.
It’s the moment you feel confused about a decision or a man you’re dating—and instead of overanalyzing, you drop into your body, listen to your intuition, and act from that place.
That is the dance of the masculine and feminine within you.
A divine dance. A sacred weaving of energies.
And in this dance, you experience more pleasure, more joy, more magic, more love, more passion, and more orgasmic bliss than you ever thought possible.
It’s your birthright. And you can claim it.
So if you desire to deepen your connection with your sacred femininity by tapping into your sensuality and wild love, if you desire to create the safety for yourself to reclaim this pleasure, and to fully embody this QUEEN energy for manifestation, to radiate magnetism….
I invite you to join Feminine Remembrance: Come Home To Yourself. Click HERE.

Here you will honor your sacred feminine energy as well as worship the sacred masculine within you. My transformational program is designed to help you unlock your feminine power, honor your rhythms, and step into your radiant essence. You can find all the details here: https://jessicaangileri.com/feminine-remembrance-come-home-to-yourself/
The time is right now to honor your body as this sacred portal for pleasure and deep profound love. If not then when?
I’ll see you inside.