Divine guidance is always speaking to us through the frequency of love and through the purity of your womb space.
You can feel this always through your body and through your breath. This breath is the flow of spirit moving in and out, to and from you. This is the life that we have available to us in every waking moment.
For me tuning into my divine guidance is something that I practice everyday, in every moment. It has become my default way of living. Of course I am human and at times I slip and forget and allow myself to get carried away by the mischievous girl within me who likes to creep in. but it is here that I forget my true nature which is whole. It is here I have to catch myself when I am in self doubt or following the voice that tells me I am not good enough, Before I go into overwhelm.
It is my intuition that is always moving through me like a current in my body.
I know now through practice how to switch and tune in. But believe me this has taken 20 years of soul devotion to this path.
I have many feminine practices that orient us to cultivating sensitivity and awareness in the body.

This is something we have to relearn as we have not been taught this. We have not been taught how to listen to our divine guidance or intuition, and so we can go into people pleasing mechanisms or self sabotaging ways. Again leaving us to feel overwhelmed.
So it is important to relearn and remember how to do this through the body In order for us to become this clear channel to receive through the body.
There is something very grounding and humbling knowing we can do this and tap into our intuition and access this information all the time. It is very Magical.
I use a range of Embodiment practices to engage with spirit from sensual, sacred movement to somatic touch to breathwork.
One practice in particular is tuning into my womb. Here I place one hand to the heart and one hand to the womb. And breathe into the womb.
I place one hand on my heart to combine the channel of love with the fierce knowing of my womb.
This feminine embodiment practice is extremely simple but very powerful. In this, I descend from the mind that is in overdrive and into the knowing of my womb.
Tune into your womb space for divine guidance

There is a power that resides deep in the body of every woman.
This is the space within a woman’s body, with or without a uterus where our truth, where our ancient knowledge resides. We have access to this intuitive power of our womb which from the moment we take our first breath.
The womb space is there for every woman as the gateway to intuition and portal to the divine.
IT is this voice of the divine feminine within- she’s pure, gentle, graceful, but powerful and very direct and deep.
We cannot ignore it.
Your womb doesn’t compromise or search for approval.
Your womb doesn’t feed into fear, judgment or doubt.
Your womb speaks to you in ways to deliver your intuitive messages in calmness, its precise, its a direct knowing, This is how you know this is the voice of the womb.
The thing is she requires some nurturance, love, compassion to be awakened so you can tap into her powerful messages. We can do this through touch, through hip opening practices, through breathing into her. When she begins to come alive, she will speak to you in ways of knowing.
However, In this modern world we have forgotten to harness the gifts of this powerful centre of our female body.
Read more about tuning into your womb space here.
Once we learn to tune into her and not just see her as something physical but energetic, a holding of your knowings and your absolute truths, we begin to activate a new way of living where we feel a deep grounded presence. We live from flow, from love and from a deep seeded knowing in self. This is where we will begin to make decisions from that space that is aligned to our highest good.
So instead of drawing in energy from the external, this practice will source our own power from within out.
This is a fierce force in us.
And the more we do such practices in tuning into our womb, even if its only a couple minutes a day, the more we move from this default way of being which is from this head first energy into this embodiment of knowing ourselves so deeply. This is where the subtle unfolding of truth, and messages of the divine occurs.
This is where we hear the truth of our soul.