
Ignite your sensuality and unleash the power of your Feminine Energy

Integrating spirituality, sensuality and love  through sacred embodiment practices to guide modern day women to remember HER.

Most women come to me and say they feel like they are hitting a brick wall and feel lost. 

So where do we start? We need to start with reclaiming our femine power- through our sensuality, our presence, and our pleasure.

Become activated from within and come home to the place that is ready to be awakened.  You are a magnet for anything you desire. The feminine wisdom & power is within you.

Journey with me into the path away from numbness, stress & pain and be guided to become the woman you’ve always deeply wanted to be. You are so worthy of receiving pleasure fully in your body.

It is time to tap into your feminine wisdom, unlease your sexual energy and remember the power of your loving heart to speak your soul’s truth and come home.

You are so worthy of this!

sensuality, love, pleasure, dancer

About Me

I am a feminine, intuitive coach and educator with the focus on relationships, love, sensuality, and self worth.

I bring practices from my professional samba dancing training, my own inner healing journey, the power of womb work, the Ancient Tatric arts, embodiment practices combined with extensive experience in working with women and a Master degree in Education, into all of my sessions with you.

I am here to hold space for you to rediscover your sexual power, connect with your sensuality and feel radiant from inside out.

Love Jessica


My Dear Sister

Be your own healer and become a magnet for everything you desire.


Do you want to feel more confident in your own skin?

Do you want to feel sexualy alive?

Do you want to awaken that orgasmic pleasure you are so worthy of feeling?

Are you ready to be your own sensual lover?

Do you want to feel confident and be heard in your relationships?

Do you want to magnetise flourishing and fulfilling intimate relationships?

Do you want to feel calm, in flow and happy in your life?


Well sister…

it is time you join Feminine Remembrance: Come Home To Yourself

7 Day Free Program:

Erotic Feminine Embodiment

A program filled with feminine embodiment practices to reconnect with your sensuality, pleasure, and love for yourself. It all starts within. 


“Jessica has brought a new meaning of self care to my life and not feel guilty about it.”

The greatest power of a woman is her heart. Her ability to love so deeply. And then when she connects with her sacred womb...the Great Mother within her... poof.. magic happens and the world around her becomes nothing short of bliss and beauty. She becomes her own source of power.

– Jessica Angileri

Feminine Remembrance

Come Home To Yourself

10 week Embodiment, Self love, Pleasure group program to unleash your wild woman and connect deeper with love.

jessica angileri, divine feminine, feminine program


“My greatest passion is empowering women to remember their feminine power by connecting with their body and pleasure within. When we begin to listen and reconnect to our sensuality and body, no matter our age, we hear her mysterious whispers, she reminds us of our innate divine wisdom.

And then.. we are led into the most beautiful places that we truly desire.”