Who is the awakened woman?
Who is this awakened woman that knows she is a magnet to all of life, including the BIG LOVE.
Did you know this awakened woman manifests and oozes magnetisim?
This means she attracts anything she desires.
When you manifest the feminine way, you magnetise what is truly aligned at the heart level.
As the awakened woman knows that the feminine heart is her power.
Did you know that every woman has a power within her that can draw in anything she desires, yes including a conscious man?⠀
I did.
Within you there is something that cannot be explained, it is a magnetic force.
A pull.
This space within you has the power to create and bring anything your heart longs for. And let me tell you, it’s not in the mind and in the over doing. Most women don’t know this power that they hold which is within their heart and womb.
This power that has this beautiful ability to magnetize that BIG LOVE that I believe all women at the end of the day, really crave and long for.
This is what the awakened feminine is capable of.
She receives.
She magnetizes.
She allures.
Now… I realized this magnetic power from a very young age, alluring, with my magnetic sensual nature but…. The thing is this is not what makes men stay.
It takes more than that. And because we don’t know or haven’t been taught how to soften and surrender into this feminine power, what we do is grasp on, or we cling onto a man, or we control.
When women do my work, alot of them tell me that they are beginning to open up to a conscious man.
Yes this is what happens.
However, what is important is we need to know the deep power in the heart as well. If this is closed, we begin to stop and block the healthy masculine.
If we are constantly in our masculine energy, we block our receiving abilities.
Your feminine heart along with your yoni and womb are life giving, nourishing energies that we are so gifted with as women and once opened, you will see Him.Â
You will invite Him in.
You will see beauty all around you.
You will feel a sense of relief.
You will begin to touch the Goddess the lives within you.
But… You must be willing to look within yourself to see what it is you are still holding onto, that could possibly create this energetic block. That is why in my programs we do go deep within. We dig into the shame and guilt we may be still carrying that blocks this natural radiance you have.
That is the thing.. when you become aware of your own subtle but strong power, you begin to ooze radiance.
You can’t ignore it.
Once it is turned on, you begin to open to situations and people who truly
align with your heart. The is the power of the awakened feminine.
You become a magnet to the love that makes you in awe with life.
You bless life with your aliveness.
You bless HIM with your authentic beauty.
Oh it is soooo needed in this dried up world, don’t you think?
Let’s shift, reactivate and re-energise your beautiful emotional body to receive him and fall in love with LIFE.
Are you ready to activate your feminine radiance and be a magnet to LOVE?
Are you ready to discover how to live from your feminine GIFT?
Are you ready to know your gifts in all your womanhood.
Are you ready to awaken to your magnetic nature?
â–ż Then my Feminine Remembrance: Come Home To Yourself would be perfect for you.