In the realm of feminine embodiment, when we women have a desire.. This is not just a fleeting emotion of a craving to be ignored.
Your every desire is a whisper and seed planted by your inner Goddess.
It is the heartbeat, the fluttering of your heart of your feminine essence.
Feminine desire is a potent force. I believe it is what keeps us expanding as women because It keeps us moving and upgrading and relaxing into our own Queen blueprint.
Every desire is a a sacred compass guiding you toward your deepest truths, your highest joys, and the fullest expression of who you are.
As a feminine embodiment coach, I am deeply passionate about helping women reconnect with their desires as they awaken to the wise, priestess within, who is here to face the fears, and shortcomings.
To step into your full potential.
I am so passionate about harnessing our wild woman who is here to help us see where we are getting stuck in our fears of being too much.
When we connect with our wild woman, and her power, we become fearless, wise, sexy and we emulate a soft power, and we learn to see our life beyond compromise and shortcomings.
We reconnect with our vitality, our priestess manifestation powers, and a vibrancy that guides them towards their true self. A current of love that is there to help us experience greater experiences of beauty, bliss and feelings of contentment in life.Â
Listening to your Feminine desire
Whether it’s a desire for something grander in your relationship, a desire to feel more rest in your life, a desire to feel a certain way in sexual pleasure…. It is not something to ignore.
However, it is SO easy to ignore. It is so easy to not listen to the beat of our hearts.
In a world that has long misunderstood and even demonized feminine desire, I believe many women find themselves disconnected from this powerful source of wisdom.
The more we ignore our desires, the more it eats us up inside. It wipes away our natural radiance. It keeps us away from a feeling of ease in the body.
So listening to your feminine desires is a vital part of returning to your womanhood.
However, Listening to and going for your feminine desires isn’t always easy because it might ask us to shift our perception of things in spirituality, in love, in life, in relationships.
It might ask us to walk away from certain people and situations that have felt somewhat uncomfortable but not necessarily serving of our highest good and of our heart.
Now, there is a difference between desire that comes from a yearning and desperation, and desire that comes from our deep feminine sacred grounds that can’t be ignored. A desire is NOT rooted in fear or desperation, or I have to have this or I will miss out or I won’t fit in or belong. It’s NOT rooted in an unconscious pattern.
We can hear and know our desires when we are connected to the purity of the heart and our womb space. And when we practice listening to our intuitive guidance.
It is important we come to understand the sacred significance of our desires and harness them as a source of profound empowerment.
Listening to your Feminine desire and embracing it can lead to a more fulfilled and embodied life. It can guide you to being magnetic to love that you know you are deserving of, despite the mind’s play, that tells you it’s too hard, or it won’t work out…. This in fact keeps us small and moves us further away from fully experiencing the love we know deep down we are here to experience.
Reclaiming the Sacredness of Desire
For centuries, feminine desire has been shamed.
Women have felt guilty or wronged for having desires. And so our desires are often not easily heard or awakened to because since we were young, we were taught that in order to fit in, or to be a “good girl”, we must not do what feels good for us, or it is safe to be ourselves. The desire to follow our heart and intuition doesn’t make sense, so in order to continue surviving, it is easier to diminish the very seeds that may go against societal norms.
Societal norms, patriarchal structures, and religious teachings have often portrayed women’s desires as dangerous or sinful, something to be controlled or suppressed.
I know for myself, I grew up in an environment where having needs and things that I wanted was not important. I learnt that it was far more successful to ignore my own desires and needs and make others happy.
This cultural conditioning has led many women to disconnect from their desires, viewing them as something to be feared and shamed rather than embraced. We all know too well the feeling of being too much. That our dreams are too much. Needs in a relationship too much. Spiritual. gifts too much. And so on.
But your desires are NOT too much dear one.
It is the voice of your soul.
The pearl planted by your inner Goddess communicated to your soul and your body: I desire to be seen and be fully expressed through the heart.
It is the voice of your inner Goddess that she wants to be listened to and to be expressed.
Your desires are NOT random; they are divine impulses that guide you toward your true purpose and the experiences that will bring you the most expansion and fulfilment.
So when you reclaim the sacredness of your desires, you begin to honour them as integral to your spiritual journey. Of knowing yourself deeper as a woman.
You allow them to guide you on your path of enlightenment and alignment to our truth. You become more attuned to who YOU are. You are empowered because by listening to your desires and showing up for them.. you are choosing YOU.
As I said, it doesn’t mean listening to them and then going for desires are easy. But the more we ignore them, the more we stay small, the more we dim our light. The more we feel disconnected from our soul’s voice.The more our soul and heart feel suffocated.
Desire as a Pathway to Embodiment
If you know me, I am so passionate about awakening to the wild woman.
The wild woman who isn’t here to have her desires and needs pressed down into the darkness.
She isn’t worried about how many likes and followers she has.
She carries a power rested in love.
A love that is fierce and rooted in truth.
She cares about your full wild sexual expression.
She is here to taste everything that life has to offer her and show her- especially through the dark oceans. She isn’t afraid to go to those depths to taste the pain and realise they are here to help her awaken to the light, to her own light.
She is meant to be fully embodied which means to live in alignment with your true nature, to inhabit your body with presence, and to express yourself authentically in the world.
FEMININE DESIRE is a crucial part of the embodiment process. When we tune into our heart’s desires, we reconnect with our body, the dialogue of the body and the wisdom they hold.
The more we allow ourselves to get curious about what “I desire”, the more we know what feels good, what nourishes us, what we long for, and what makes us come alive.
With every desire, I have also noticed the smallest synchronicities. Like opening a door that leads to another door. You might not notice it at the moment, but every time you listen to your feminine desire and follow its lead, you are guided towards expansion and more of who you are at the soul level.
Through the lens of Tantra, desire is seen as a sacred gateway to deeper states of consciousness and awakening. By following the path of our desires, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, uncovering the layers of our being that have been hidden or suppressed.
This journey is not always easy, as I mentioned. This is because it often requires us to confront fears, old wounds, and distorted societal conditioning. But this is very much part of the feminine journey of the wild woman.
It is through this process that we come into our full power as unapologetically embodied women.
This is the initiation of the wild woman.
The Empowerment of Embracing Desire
When we embrace and own our desires, we step into our power.
We step into our true selves.
We recognize that our desires are not weaknesses or distractions but ARE integral to our empowerment.
There is an empowerment behind it because, with the desire there is an aspect of courage. And a realisation of what is possible. There is always Courage to meet the desire especially when confronted with fears.
Here we can realise” I did this. I can do this. I am more powerful than I realise. I listened to my intuition, aka my soul’s voice, the voice of my inner navigation system, which is guided by the Goddess.”
When unleashed, FEMININE DESIRE fuels our creativity, it ignites our passions, and is the drive t pursue our dreams. It is the energy that propels us forward, urging us to expand and grow beyond our limitations. We realise what is truly possible.
It is infinite.
We are infinite in energy and potential.
Read more about how women block their desires here.
Desire in relationships
In the context of relationships, embracing desire allows us to communicate our needs and boundaries with clarity and confidence.
This is why it is so important to know what YOU desire for yourself. And to not be ashamed for it either. To get so anchored in your self-worth, that you know what you need to feel safe in a relationship and what it is you desire in a relationship to continue flourishing.
And then knowing how to communicate that to your loved one, from a place of integrity and presence. Without assuming they know or even fearing, is this too much? It is about expressing your desires from a place of assertiveness but also with HEART.
The more you tap into your own desires, the more you feel empowered to seek connections that are truly nourishing and aligned with our highest good. In our personal lives. You understand what it is you desire in order for your values to feel nourished and your goals to bloom.
How to Cultivate a Relationship with Your Desires
So how do you listen and receive your desires?
To cultivate a healthy relationship with your desires, begin by listening to them without judgment.
This is so important…To notice, to build trust to listen and discern what is your desire and what is the voice of external forces.
Create space in your life to explore what you truly want, both in the small moments and the grand visions.
Practice self-compassion and release any guilt or shame associated with your desires.
That this is too much. This is impossible. Who am i to have this thought or desire?
Remember that the HOW doesn’t matter. What matters is that you are showing up, even in the smallest way, making space to be in the frequency that matches this desire. Is it love, is it softness, is it wase to receive without feeling like you have to force, is it trust, is it integrity, is it compassion? This is how you reflect outward what it is you desire to call in. You become the frequency match for that desire you desire to call in.
Start with one small tiny action. Small actions are vital, otherwise we get so overhwlemed. Start with that one date, notice what you liked or didn’t like.
How did you desire to feel?
Remember that your desires are a reflection of your unique essence and are worthy of being honored.
Incorporate practices that help you stay connected to your desires, such as embodiment exercises, womb healing, or energy activations, sensual movement practices, which you know I love.
These practices can help you tune into the subtle whispers of your soul and strengthen your connection to your inner guidance. Helping you become more attuned to what truly brings you joy, pleasure, and fulfilment. Sometimes, we really have to honour what feels like a No to know what feels like a Yes. That is why feeling the pain and what you are allowing to fall away, is essential in this process.
Incorporating embodiment practices can help you stay connected to your desires. Womb healing, meditation, and sensual movement practices are just a few ways to tune into the subtle whispers of your soul. These practices allow you to deepen your relationship with your body and its wisdom, helping you become more attuned to what truly brings you joy and fulfilment.
And of course…
Surrounding yourself with a supportive sisterhood or community can also be incredibly powerful. When we gather with other women who are on a similar journey of self-discovery, we create a space where desires can be expressed without fear or shame. We then feel more empowered to pursue our desires with more willpower.
Feminine Desire in the Collective
I believe as more women reclaim and embrace their desires, more women reclaim their true authentic selves.
The more they choose their womanhood. Over what everyone is saying the feminine or womanhood is.
They are not afraid to be themselves.
This is the journey of unlocking your wild woman.
As we do this, we begin to shift the collective consciousness around feminine power and embodiment. When we give ourselves to experience desire fully and openly, we inspire others to do the same. This creates a ripple in the ocean which has the potential to transform not only our individual lives but also our communities and the world at large.
Feminine desire is not just a personal experience—it is a collective force. It encourages us to create a world where women are free to express themselves authentically, pursue their passions, and live in alignment with their true nature.
It gives space for women to not fear who they are, their spiritual gifts and attunement and their sensuality- as this great expression of the Goddess. The healing juice for this world.
As more women step into their power and embrace their desires, we begin to dismantle the societal structures that have kept us small and disconnected from our bodies.
In this way, feminine desire becomes a force for collective empowerment and healing. It is a call for all women to reclaim their birthright to feel, desire, and create from a place of deep authenticity and love.
Together, let us embrace our desires, embody our power, and create a world where the sacredness of feminine desire is honored and celebrated.
Join Us in Our Temples of Ecstatic Aliveness, in Feminine Remembrance
This journey of reclaiming your desires and feminine power is just beginning. If you’re ready to dive deeper into the practices of feminine embodiment and Tantra, I invite you to join Feminine Remembrance, A sisterhood Immersion where we celebrate the sacredness of feminine desire. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together.