
How to get in the mood for intimacy when you are burnt out and tired

Jan 10, 2023Relationships, Sexuality

intimacy, relationship, divine feminine
What do you do when you are feeling exhausted and tired and just not in the mood to get turned on with your partner?

What do you do when you are feeling exhausted and tired and just not in the mood to get turned on with your partner?

Sometimes you might even feel like thereā€™s something wrong with you because after a long day with your work or business, you just want to go to sleep?

You might ask yourself, what is wrong with me? What do I need to fix?

Well let me first start by saying, there is nothing wrong with you and I donā€™t blame you. We tend to get really overwhelmed by the activities of our days that we often bypass our pleasures and what feels good in our body. When we do this, our body goes into a default state of contraction and closing up. And then from there, we donā€™t feel like getting the mood to go into sexual experiences with our partner. 

But what if I told you, there was a way to bring in pleasure in your days that felt easy and that didnā€™t feel overwhelming but instead that felt nourishing and simple so that pleasure does become part of your day to day way of moving through life. In this way, you open up to sexual experiences and intimate experiences with your partner in ways that feel easier and less of something that you ā€œhave to do.ā€ Instead, it becomes this experience that you love, that feels nourishing to your feminine heart and that felt healing as well.

jessica angileri, feminine, free program

We all desire to feel deeply intimate with our partner.

We want to feel desired and connected to them in deeper ways. But the first thing we need to know is that intimacy is built through truth.

Authentic truth. Knowing yourself so deeply. 

The most important thing to know when speaking about connection and intimacy is that it all has to start with yourself. The relationship you have with yourself. And how anchored in your body and heart you feel to allow intimacy to be felt. 

Knowing your body and the energies that move through you in one moment in how we can begin to understand our truth. As the feminine is the feeling and emotional body. 

Intimacy and a conscious relationship begin with the relationship with yourself. 

It is how well you know your body. 

How well you intimately know and connect with your yoni. 

How well you listen to your womb and her desires, as the womb and yoni are the places where you really feel into your soulā€™s promise. 

Intimacy goes beyond knowing yourself in terms of sex with another person or knowing what you like in terms of sex. 

It goes beyond knowing yourself in terms of what noises to make in the bedroom  and knowing which positions to be in. 

Instead, it is knowing yourself intimately in the way that is connected with your heart. 

Knowing how you express your divinity through your body in a way that feels unique and authentic to you. 

This is how you learn about yourself. 

You can know the anatomy of your clitoris, your vagina and your pleasure points but knowing all of this goes beyond knowing what you love and the sensations in your body. OR what you desire in the bedroom so you can please a man. 

This is more about going deeper than that. 

Knowing yourself so deeply brings you closer to truth, your visions and your purpose. It involves how well you allow yourself to drop in and melt into your senses. It is allowing yourself to flow in your energies, and knowing how they dip low and high and shift moment to moment. 

It is knowing and becoming conscious and aware of your energy and then also his. This is the embodied presence we all crave to drop into as women. And our power as a woman as well. 

It is you being able to deeply connect with your body and mostly with your yoni in a way with so much reverence and love. 

This is what I teach inside the Feminine Remembrance: Come Home To Yourself Immersion

Intimate connections go beyond just knowing why you feel a certain way, or how you can be more sexually confident. No it is  about developing this love relationship with yourself through her. Through your feeling body and feeling so anchored in your body and heart to know you can meet with the depths of your soul. And we can do this through pleasure. Through sensual, pleasure practices. 

This is how we know our body so deeply. 

Watch the video here as I go deeper into this talk about some ways you can begin to develop this intimacy to connect with your body, heart and truth so you can allow pleasure to enter your life in ways that feel nourishing to you.

Love Jessica Angileri xox

intimacy, relationship, couple, feminine
sexuality, intimacy, body
intimacy, sexuality, flowers

Hello my love,

My name is Jessica and I devote my life to bringing beauty and love to this world.Ā 

I invite all women to live freely and the closest to their soul through embracing the power of their heart, womb and sensuality in unity with spirituality.Ā  As I believe these are all one.

With my samba dancing background, work around womb and yoni healing and a life dedicated to my spiritual path, I am now here to bring this way of life to all women. To guide you into a life of empowerment, flow and bliss.

As I believe self worth, love and sensuality is every woman’s birthright.

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