
What It Takes to Feel the Aliveness of Your Body

Sep 20, 2024Awakening

queen, aliveness, feminine power
Explore the journey back to reclaiming the feminine, beginning with the simple yet profound question: what does it take to feel alive in your body?

What It Takes to Feel the Aliveness of Your Body with Pleasure….

This post is dedicated to the goddess within you—the rise of the feminine. It’s a prayer, a portal back home to your most authentic self-expression, your voice, your body, your pleasure. May this space be where you arrive, exhale, feel seen, and remembered. You belong here.

Here, we explore the journey back to reclaiming the feminine, beginning with the simple yet profound question: what does it take to feel alive in your body?

Rediscovering Aliveness in Your Body

The aliveness of the body is something I hold in the highest regard. Yet, many of us have been conditioned by our environments, our upbringing, and society at large to operate in a way that robs us of this innate connection. I reflect often on my past, realizing that even when I thought I was alive, I wasn’t fully. I was caught in a cycle of “doing”—moving forward with a penetrative, masculine energy that didn’t allow me to surrender into my body or the present moment.

In the past, I did things because I felt I had to, driven by obligation rather than joy.

I wasn’t allowing myself to truly experience life in the moment. What I’ve learned over time is that true pleasure—the kind that awakens and nourishes the body—isn’t just sexual or something we use to escape discomfort. It’s about embracing the full spectrum of our experience, including the darkness, resistance, and fears we avoid.

Sacred pleasure welcomes all of it.

Sacred Pleasure and Feminine Embodiment

Pleasure doesn’t have to be something we do to numb ourselves or fill a void. It can be an intentional practice of nourishing our body and nervous system. Whether it’s savoring a piece of chocolate, dancing, or moving your body, pleasure is an act of reclaiming your aliveness. When we choose activities that benefit not only our senses but also our inner well-being, we can deeply experience life’s richness.

For me, the journey started many years ago when I chose a vegan lifestyle. Eating fresh, healthy foods, dancing for myself, and embracing my body were my first steps toward reclaiming my vitality. This process taught me that aliveness isn’t just about enjoying what I love—it’s about piercing through the layers of conditioning that tell us we shouldn’t trust our bodies.

Breaking Free from Conditioning

We’ve been conditioned—by family, culture, and society—to believe we must follow a certain path, that success is defined by hard work, achievements, and earning a living. This mindset teaches us not to trust our bodies or desires, pushing us into relationships, careers, and lifestyles that don’t truly serve our aliveness.

For years, I believed that making a relationship work meant hard work. I ignored my body’s signals—red flags that told me I wasn’t being seen or heard. I dismissed my own needs, believing I was asking for too much. This was a pattern I had to break, just as I had to question the life script of “go to university, get a good job, get married.” None of it brought me joy or aliveness.

The Joy of Aliveness

True joy and aliveness come when we stop chasing something outside ourselves. It’s not about seeking endless happiness but about resting in the present moment, trusting that where you are is exactly where you’re meant to be. This shift in perspective allows us to stop playing the same games and repeating the same cycles that keep us stuck.

When we choose aliveness, something magical happens. Our bodies open up, we begin to trust ourselves, and we tap into a sense of joy and softness that isn’t dependent on external validation. We no longer have to stay in relationships or situations that don’t serve us. Instead, we align with the truth of who we are and what brings us joy.

aliveness, joy of aliveness

Cultivating Aliveness in the Body

So, how do we begin to trust the aliveness in our bodies?

It starts with asking ourselves simple questions: What do I feel right now?

What sensation is present in my body?

Where do I feel it, and if it had a name, what would I call it?

These small inquiries begin a process of reconnecting to our bodies. As we build trust with ourselves, we start to listen to the subtle signals of our bodies—the ones that guide us toward experiences that align with our highest selves. In doing so, we develop a deeper capacity to make choices that feel alive and aligned.

Whether it’s deciding to go on a date, or how we approach exercise, we begin to ask: Does this feel joyful? Is this choice rooted in aliveness, or am I acting out of obligation?

This process of checking in with the body isn’t about perfection or always making the “right” choice. It’s about learning to trust ourselves, even when we make mistakes, knowing that there is growth in every experience. We are spiritual beings here to have a messy, human experience.

Coherence Within and Without

As we cultivate coherence within ourselves, we also begin to move in harmony with the world around us. We see ourselves as interconnected with others and the Earth. The more we trust our bodies, the more we bring that trust into our relationships and interactions with the world. When we each create coherence within, we contribute to a more harmonious, interconnected world.

Trust the Aliveness

In a world that often asks us to operate from our minds, logic, and external validation, the invitation is to turn inward and trust the aliveness of our bodies. This is where our true power lies—when we can surrender to the softness, joy, and pleasure that our bodies crave, we align with the divine.

So, I ask you: What makes you feel alive?

Start there, and trust the wisdom of your body to guide you to the fullness of your existence.

This blog post serves as a prayer to you—the goddess rising within.

It is an invitation to reconnect with your authentic expression, your voice, and your pleasure, knowing that you are exactly where you need to be. Welcome home.

pleasure, aliveness, sensuality feminine

If you desire to go deeper with me in this journey of connecting with your body, your pleasure and aliveness, we always start in our sacred ground- in the womb space and through the love of our heart.

And I am here to welcome you into this space with me.

You can book a FREE discovery call to be held in a 1:1 container here. I’d love to hold this space for you.

Or get on the waiting list to join us in the transformative, embodiment, healing, sacred sexuality online group immersion Feminine Remembrance: Join Here.

Hello my love,

My name is Jessica and I devote my life to bringing beauty and love to this world. 

I invite all women to live freely and the closest to their soul through embracing the power of their heart, womb and sensuality in unity with spirituality.  As I believe these are all one.

With my samba dancing background, work around womb and yoni healing and a life dedicated to my spiritual path, I am now here to bring this way of life to all women. To guide you into a life of empowerment, flow and bliss.

As I believe self worth, love and sensuality is every woman’s birthright.

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The path of feminine reclamation and remembrance

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