
How To Heal Your Masculine Energy As a Woman

Sep 3, 2024Healing

heal your masculine energy
Discover the transformative journey of healing your masculine energy as a woman!

Today, we’re diving into a topic that resonates with many of you: healing the wounded masculine energy. This is a journey that countless individuals have embarked upon, seeking balance and harmony within themselves. So today, in this blog we will explore the concept of the Sacred Masculine, how we can heal the wounded aspects of it, and ultimately, how to embody healthy masculine energy as well as healthy divine feminine.

Understanding the Sacred and Wounded Masculine

Before we dive into healing, it’s crucial to understand what we mean by the “Sacred Masculine” and the “Wounded Masculine.” The Sacred Masculine is the conscious masculine energy that exists within all of us, regardless of gender. It’s characterized by qualities such as integrity, willingness, presence, and protectiveness. When we embody this energy in a healthy way, it supports us in feeling grounded, safe, and purposeful.

On the other hand, the Wounded Masculine is the aspect of this energy that has been distorted or harmed by past experiences, societal conditioning, or internalized beliefs. This might manifest as perfectionism, fear of intimacy, over-assertiveness, or a need for constant control and competition. These patterns often arise from childhood wounds or societal teachings that discourage emotional expression and vulnerability.

How the Wounded Masculine Shows Up

The wounded masculine can manifest in various ways, often tied to deep-seated fears and insecurities:

  • Perfectionism: A common manifestation of wounded masculine energy is perfectionism, which often stems from a fear of not being good enough. This can be a response to past experiences where love and acceptance were conditional.
  • Fear of Intimacy: Another sign of wounded masculine energy is a fear of intimacy, particularly with oneself. This fear can lead to over-giving to others while neglecting your own needs and feelings.
  • Over-assertiveness and Competition: If you find yourself constantly competing with others or feeling the need to assert yourself aggressively, this might be a sign of wounded masculine energy. This behavior often arises from a belief that being seen and valued requires dominance or control.
  • Constant Busyness: Many of us have been conditioned to equate worthiness with productivity. This belief can manifest as constant busyness, leaving little room for rest, reflection, or creativity.

Most of us live our lives way too much in the masculine energy of doing. The masculine energy will serve you in such beautiful ways like helping you get things done, and making sure everything is organized. 

But… we cannot forget about our feminine wisdom and power. I used to be so disconnected from my feminine intuition and therefore never trusted myself. I found receiving hard and felt this occurred only in my doing. 

So, I have created this episode to help you have an idea of how to start healing the masculine energy within…

In this episode, we will explore:

How does the Wounded masculine show up

How to heal the masculine energy

The feminine way of healing and more.

Healing the wounded masculine leads to balance

A Lot of my work is around the feminine energy  however, I always integrate the masculine as well. 

For us to create our desired lifestyle that feels balanced and grounded we need to cultivate a healthy relationship with the conscious masculine as well as the divine feminine.

So we have to really hone down and embody this feminine energy within us that feels organic, authentic and real. And then from this space, we invite the masculine structure in, for he has his own job. We invite willingness and dedication. And we start to see these qualities in a man also. 

This is a beautiful dance and weaving of the shiva and shakti. We are always going to have both access to our masculine and our feminine. 

The feminine energy requires you to be in devotion to her. The devotion part is the masculine, showing up for her, knowing she’s not to be left behind and forgotten about and become all chaotic and an emotional mess. Instead, we allow these beautiful creative, intuitive, sensual energies she delights us with. 

It’s important to have that duality, to have that union and that harmony. And it’s not about perfect balance. Nothing in life is a perfect balance. It’s about knowing when to weave and move from energy to energy 

Healing the wounded masculine energy is a transformative journey that leads to greater balance, harmony, and fulfilment. By reconnecting with our feminine energy and honoring both the masculine and feminine within us, we can create a life that feels grounded, purposeful, and truly authentic.

I hope this exploration resonated with you. If you have any thoughts or experiences to share, please let me know in the comments.

Work with me

If you desire to start embracing your feminine energy and healing the wounded masculine within so you can start to attract the conscious masculine in a man, if you desire to feel more energised in your body, whilst feeling embodied and receptive in your relationships…

I am here to support you in this kind of activation and healing.

I invite you to join me in Feminine Remembrance, a 10 week journey into your divine feminine, sensuality and embodiment.

Click here to learn more

If you would like to work with me 1:1, book a discovery call to see if we are a good fit. This is a womb connection, womb healing, and embodiment session, to start clearing blockages and activating the beautiful feminine life force within.

Hello my love,

My name is Jessica and I devote my life to bringing beauty and love to this world. 

I invite all women to live freely and the closest to their soul through embracing the power of their heart, womb and sensuality in unity with spirituality.  As I believe these are all one.

With my samba dancing background, work around womb and yoni healing and a life dedicated to my spiritual path, I am now here to bring this way of life to all women. To guide you into a life of empowerment, flow and bliss.

As I believe self worth, love and sensuality is every woman’s birthright.

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