
Reclaim Your Radiance


Reclaim Your Sexual Radiance

(A Women’s ONLY EVENT)


A transformative live (virtual) practice where you will experience pleasure, embodiment and radical self love.



Unlock your Feminine Magic for RADIANCE (Via LIVE YOUTUBE)

Watch the REPLAY- available until 8th September

Watch the REPLAY before it disappears








feminine, feminine energy, dancer


you will :

Cultivate a loving relationship with your body and heart.

Embrace your Sensuality and Sexuality

Experience radical self-love and nourishment

Reconnect with your womb

Experience transformation and profound healing.

Develop a sense of safety and belonging in the body to RECEIVE and RADIATE

Feel a sense of calmness and presence.

Learn about FEMININE MAGIC and the transformative tools to have a loving relationship with your FEMININE

Are you you ready to join me and experience your FEMININE magic in the most erotic powerful way?


During this sensual practice, you’ll discover embodiment practices, and energy activations directly from FEMININE REMEMBRANCE™ that you can use to unlock the full potential of your feminine power and magic….

Some of these include….


feminine, feminine energy, dancer

 Embodiment of safety in the body to expand your receiving abilities.


Retelling a new story to the wounds and pain stored in the body- transmuting pain into love and sovereign power.


Pleasure as a tool for connection, nourishment and self-love.


My most effective tools/embodiment techniques for alchemising, and unlocking the full potential of your feminine POWER and magic.


Using breath and movement to cleanse energetic blockages- around your feminine power


Embracing SEXUALITY as a way of HEALING and EMPOWERMENT.


Activation with sacred movement to awaken your capacity to sense, feel and imagine what is possible for you.




Join me in this FREE practice event and step onto your sexiness, confidence and your radiance. It starts now. 

Your inner radiance is a natural part of who you are as a woman.


Reclaiming your radiance is about remembering that your inner radiance is a natural part of you and will naturally shine through when you are living in alignment and fully embodied in your beautiful body. 

It is only when you…

… become weighed down by things that don’t nourish you… 
… put other people before yourself
… neglect your self-care and your deeper needs- AKA your feminine
… spend too much time in your masculine energy, achieving and doing
… stop listening to what your body, womb and heart are asking for

… that you play small, feel like you have to abandon your TRUE erotic self, and that you lose touch with the natural light, radiance and wholeness within you.

The good news is that the journey back to your inner radiance is simple, and it is much closer than you think.

You have all the resources within you- and we can ignite this radiance through your activation of your EROS, your fire, your sexual power. 


And I designed Reclaim Your Radiance to help you do just that.

Created and Founded by Jessica Angileri

Certified Teacher (Masters),  Former Samba Dancer, Erotic Educator, Sensual Embodied Facilitator, Queen of Love

Jessica Angileri is a Feminine Embodiment and Erotic Educator who devotes her life to revolutionizing the way women connect with their feminine, love and sensuality. With a Master’s Degree in Education, Former Brazilian Samba dancer, and devotional studies in Sacred Sexuality, Jessica guides modern-day, spiritual women around the world to reclaim their erotic power and place in this world with no apologies.

Jessica weaves her innate capacity for deep feeling and sensing through the body, her love for exploring the feminine, such as sexuality and sensuality, and she brings healing and reverence through her sacred work.

Through erotic movement, breathwork, meditation and womb connection,  Jessica provides a safe container for women to explore the depths of their denied and repressed aspects of their feminine to return to the wholeness and true essence of who they are.

Jessica stands for a world where women feel safe, alive and free in their bodies, hearts, minds, sexuality, spirituality & eroticism, outside the limited and confined constructs of patriarchal femininity that have contorted women out of their innate embodied aliveness.

This is why she has founded the Feminine Remembrance Immersion. 

Discover more. 

Desire to dive deeper?

Are you ready to truly COME HOME TO YOURSELF and EMBRACE your QUEEN Greatness? 

Then you are invited to….

Feminine Remembrance

A unique, life-changing, radical transformative initiation into loving, knowing and embodying your Goddess self. 

A safe, supportive sisterhood space where you dive deep into blissful pleasure and transformation….

Where you fully own yourself as a holy GODDESS, a QUEEN standing on your throne, fully basking in your own skin.

This kind of self-care is EROTIC,  luscious and sensual.


Each week, we’ll focus on transforming a different area of your life through different feminine teachings, including…

  • Womb Connection
  • Shifting the stories around the feminine
  • Breast and Body Love
  • Yoni Awakening
  • Sexual Energy Activation
  • Menstrual Awareness
  • And more…

You will discover how to embody feminine healing through ancient and modern practices.

And be guided in giving yourself the gift of magical sexual and personal self-care.

magnetism, feminine, woman

This is really about moving from burnout, stress, and disconnection into sensuality and self-awareness with intimate pleasure and deeply satisfying self-care.

And of course, cultivating such a deep LOVING relationship with all of YOU.

 If this sounds like the kind of personal journey you’d love to be on…

 Then this intimate group online immersion FEMININE REMEMBRANCE: COME HOME TO YOURSELF and the beautiful, soft, sacred space it provides may be the perfect path for you.